
Mold for sure.. overwatered? Root rot? Pests? Help!

First off, I’m a baby/new plant mom so I’m still learning I don’t know much. Please help ☹️

So I recently purchased this beautiful Queen Marble Pathos, and I love her so much! However, I got her from a super wet, humid, crowded and not very well lit greenhouse that I thought was reputable but I could have been wrong. I wanted to trim off the yellow/sad leaves (seen in photo 1) but upon further inspection I found a decent amount of mold on the top layer of the soil. I took her outside, scrapped off all the mold I saw (maybe a half inch to an inch of soil) and sprinkled cinnamon on it to try and stop it from coming back. I also took her out of the decorative pot to give her some much needed ventilation to dry out a bit as the soil under neath the mold was still really wet. I then noticed that one particular main stem was really flimsy and just looked water logged so I snipped it and pulled out what I could and then replaced the soil as the other stems felt and looked really solid and not.. rotten I guess?

Lastly, after inspecting even further, I noticed tiny holes on some of the new growth (picture with visible cinnamon lol). I also found a very small spider web and a small black spider – did not look like a spidermite though, just looked like this black spider emoji🕷️ – literally. I got rid of it and cleared out the web but now I’m paranoid. Do I have pests? Or are the small holes from over watering? Or should I be worried about root rot maybe considering I found that one flimsy stem that looked rotten?

Last pic is how she is looking right now after doing all that. I just want her to live and not infect any of my other plants (she is isolated right now in this corner, no plants close by). Any diagnosis and/or treatment recommendations would be greatly appreciated. Thank you 🥹🙏🏻🪴

by MiissCharly

1 Comment

  1. Sensitive-Pea4614

    I would highly suggest taking her out of the pot to take a look at her roots. If you have mold it’s very likely she’s been overwatered which makes it even more likely that you may have root rot. Also, is there any airflow/ventilation around her? Plants really benefit from some so decent air flow around them. If that’s opening a window or putting a fan on periodically that will help. If it’s root rot, I suggest looking on Google or YouTube and you can find all the info you need to help. But I’m offering a starting point for you. Hope this helps some and good luck!! She’s beautiful! P.s. please don’t let her stay this way for long because you could lose her.

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