Indoor Garden

Calamansi tree

We have had an indoor calamansi tree growing under a Soltech light (pendant) & window for almost a year now. It was going great, but suddenly started to have the leaves turn yellow (yellow growing from inside of leaf to out, with green veining).

I noticed that the soil was wet (partner watered it more frequently recently), so I repotted it last week to try and revive the soil and prevent possible root rot. The roots looked healthy.

After putting it back we raised the pendant light up (~20 inches from the top of tree) just incase that's why the leaves were turning yellow, as well. However, now a week later thr leaves are curling inwards and turning brown (Ive only seen leaves curl on vegetable plants because the light was too close, so Im confused). But there is a new branch that sprouted lower on the tree.

We're not sure whats goin on at the top, does anyone have any tips or know whats happening?

by Existing_Story6652

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