
New monstera owner; why are the leaves curling and wrapping in on themselves like this?

Hi everyone! I’ve had this monstera for about two weeks now. As you can see in the photos, two leaves have completely curled and wrapped in on themselves. When I got it, it was in a thin plastic temporary pot. I immediately repotted it into this terracotta pot and added monstera potting mix (mixture of New Zealand bark, perlite, peat moss, and cococoir). Since then, I’ve watered it once a week (so twice total since I got it).

At first, I kept it in a super sunny, direct light window, but since moved it to a window that doesn’t get much sun, more so indirect light. Does it look overwatered?

Thank you!

by 4077hawkeye-


  1. Angelique718

    It’s normal. They like to dry a little before watering. It will turn yellow when watered too frequently.

  2. Machine_Excellent

    Once a week sounds too much but check the soil before you water. It should be dry when you stick your finger in.

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