Backyard Garden

200+ beautiful landscape design ideas! garden paths, arches, bridges, dry stream!

200+ beautiful landscape design ideas! garden paths, arches, bridges, dry stream!

00:00 ► paths for the garden
03:44 ► pebbles in landscape design
07:33 ► garden arches made of wood, stone
14:49 ► garden decorative bridges
20:46 ► dry stream for garden and backyard

Landscaping transforms any garden plot into a cozy and unique world. However, when working, it is not enough to be guided by flair and intuition. In order for the result to please you and amaze your neighbors, we recommend taking into account the basic principles on which the landscape design of the suburban area is based:
– Integrity. Provides for the presence of several identical elements in different parts of the suburban suburban area. They can be decorative or natural. In order to see the picture as a whole more clearly, a plan is drawn up, in which the theme of the composition is determined. It makes it easier to place landscape design elements in unity and harmony.
– Simplicity. A pile of elements or the creation of complex structures takes a person away from nature. It is the natural tone of the suburban area that is attractive. The variegation of color also tires the eye, it is better to dwell on two or three colors and play on their shades.
– The principle of balance, symmetrical and asymmetrical. In symmetrical balance, the same elements are mirrored in relation to a visually defined point. The asymmetrical balance allows shape and color in their variety, but with harmony in their application.
– Plants must match.
– The smoothness of the transition plays a huge role: from low in the foreground to high in the background. This creates the effect of the depth of the landscape.

This video is educational in nature! Author of the channel “100 Ideas!” demonstrates Landscape design and explains their merits.
We’ve made significant changes to our content with the “Movavi Video Suite 18” video editor. Edited multiple videos in a specific order to unleash the creator’s creativity, and overlaid a recorded audio track with instructions and free music on YouTube.



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    Спасибо за подборку.

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  7. This was a wonderful viewing of paths, many using easily available materials. The varied materials were both fun and serious in their appearances and uses. Thanks for the time you spent putting this together.

  8. I love pathways in a garden and am planning a winter project for paths in my yard. The weather here is extremelly dry and hot and does not get much colder than 26 dec. F. Rocks, cacti, succulents, roses, other drought tolerant things thrive.

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