Edible Gardening

Brian Dillon's Edible Forest Garden | Bosco's Garden Tour | Ep4

Take a tour of Brian Dillon’s 20 year old edible forest garden, polytunnels, native broadleaf woodland and winter pantry in Ballycloven, Co. Kilkenny where he is busy canning, drying and fermenting his produce ahead of the winter months.


Bosco’s Garden Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BoscosIRL
Bosco’s Garden Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/boscosgarden/
Boscos’ Garden Website: https://boscosgarden.com/


  1. I don’t mean to be pedantic, but Forest Gardens are grown to produce max food per Acre, so why ‘’Edible’’ had to be mentioned in the title, I have no idea!

  2. This is fascinating, so very different from gardening in the middle of the US where I live. I love the way his tunnels look so casual with veg, flowers, herbs mixed in beds. His management of this property by creating compost and planting one crop after the other to maximize his space is fascinating. Thanks for this video, which felt like touring a garden with a friend. I miss Ireland and the lovely, creative people there.

  3. WOw that is the dream. My Partner and I (~25 years old) are saving money to buy an old house away from the city. So nice to see people that done it

  4. Fingers crossed my greenhouse looks this good in October… first year having a 20×10 foot, doing big cloth potters in mine.

  5. If the temps are only getting down to freezing, you could try poly with alcohol or charcoal heaters like you may use for hand warmers, etc.
    Trick is always temperature regulation, but since you only need to increase temps by a few degrees in these scenarios, typically, you can often get by with fewer/smaller heaters rather than trying to adjust the output of a single large heater with a thermostat as most are not designed for those temps at the DIYer level.

  6. Could I politely request that you consider uploading to Odysee also, please and thank you

  7. Why do all these gardeners have dogs? They are disastrous for nature, their excrement is horrible, they smell, they eat more meat than most humans do, so they are like the opposite of environmentally friendly. Plus, they would never survive in the wild, they're human bred misfits of evolution.

  8. Really good episode. Seemed a little short for all the things going on there. Can you guys make another episode there?

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