Gardening Supplies

Homesteading Basics: Why I Love Stainless Steel Gardening Supplies

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Hi, this is Marjory Wildcraft. On this edition of Homesteading Basics, I’m going to show you exactly what to look for the next time you’re in a thrift shop or at a garage sale–and how that item might actually turn into a family heirloom.

I have a love affair with stainless steel. I know that sounds a little bit odd, but some of the many advantages homesteaders have today over people in the Middle Ages or Roman Times or even prehistory are the new materials that humanity has created.

And one of them is stainless steel.

I found this pan the other day. It had been out in the dirt in the yard for, I think, a couple of years. It looks horrible, but I’m going to clean it up and show you how it can look brand new again.

That’s really the amazing thing about stainless steel. It’s virtually indestructible, and it cleans up so well.

Quite frankly, even with the abuse that it has already gotten, this stainless steel pan from my yard can not only last my lifetime, but also could be handed down to my children. I’m not sure if they’re going to want it or not!

But still, stainless steel is an amazing material.

A little bit of grass makes a great scrub brush. Look at that. It just cleans up, and it’s beautiful. It’s almost like brand new.

I happened to notice on the back that the label says this pan cost $1.99.

You can’t beat that for something that’s going to last forever!

I use pans all the time. They’re great for chicken feed, for dog food, as a tray to hold tools for a project that you’re working on, and even as a miniature pool for baby geese. There are just so many uses for stainless steel pans and containers.

So, the next time you’re at a thrift shop, a flea market, or a garage sale—even if you’ve been dragged there by force—go check out the section with the pots and pans. Pick out the stainless steel stuff.

You’ll find it incredibly useful, and it will last a long, long time.

This is Marjory Wildcraft with The Grow Network. We have tons more tips and information available to help you grow your own food and produce your own medicine. I’ll see you on another segment of Homesteading Basics.


  1. WOW! I didn't know you could clean stainless steel with grass!!! All we use for cooking is stainless steel and cast iron. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Yep stainless steel is a good option. I try looking for stainless steel over plastic as much as possible. I see so many folks opt for plastic stuff because it is cheap, but I would rather have something stainless steel that will last and have the durability.

  3. Did you mention seed starting flats? The plastic ones don't last very long. That one would be perfect. I always start them in flats and then transfer to party cups with a hole drilled in the bottom.
    You should do one on seed starting. A lot of people think they can't use garden soil when all it needs is a healthy dose of sand mixed in. After they get a decent size they can be fertilized with urine and wood ash if a person doesn't have animals for manure.

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