Garden Plans

Garden Plans 2021, Food Production!

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  1. Looks like you still have green grass/weeds in the background. What sucks for me is that we have a foot or two of snow now and march is the snowiest month. So we've been thinking about building a greenhouse this year. Looks like 2022 is going to be the big garden year.

  2. I enjoy receiving seed catalogs in the mail this time of year. My plans are to start an apple orchard on the empty lot I purchased across the road. Kind regards from Michigan, Michael. May God bless you & your family.

  3. That’s awesome Micheal! I’ve got to assemble raised beds and get the soil in them (snow on the ground and frozen). The greenhouse is ready, I have sunchoke stock and an area picked out for them to take over, just waiting for spring! We’ve got seeds and a layout ready, but I need more drip irrigation supplies. You got 20 push-ups today, day 4 of the 40×50 barn build, might finish it today.

  4. I suggest a double wheel wheelbarrow . You get my age they are a blessing. Been working on getting my garden ready and making it bigger this year..Thanks brother you keep me inspired. 🌽🥕🍅🧆🍉🥦🌶🏕🙏👍

  5. Tires are great for raising melons in cooler climates like the PNW because they trap heat in which is good for the melons.

  6. Happy New Year, Michael! I wish we were neighbors so I could copycat your lifestyle. I have never had a garden (praying to the good Lord to change that starting in the spring). I wanted to ask, how do you keep rodents away from your compost? Also, how do you keep deer from eating your crops? A friend had deer eat every pea he had. And I’ll be doing raised beds at my mom’s home as I live in an apartment. A lot of the woods have been cut down, so the deer literally graze in my mom’s yard. Finally, do you have an email for subscribers to contact you? I want to ask you something regarding defense. Congratulations on your wheelbarrow! Thank you for sharing. Blessed be!!!

  7. Still fighting with freezing nights pulling plants in and out of the house. And the local and national news is calling for much of the same. Ugh!

  8. Jerusalem artichokes are good but pease start eating in moderation… will give you serious gas, 🤦‍♀️ so start with just a few bites at first.

  9. That's awesome Michael .. hubby and I was out in the cold … filling our 3 new raised beds yesterday .. I also in ground garden .. so here in west Tennessee .. We getting things ready to roll cool crop planting coming soon for us .. I be starting my seeds for cabbage , broccoli , Brussels sprouts soon inside .. in ground I grow a lot of beans , and feild peas .. in summer .. I try to grown something at least 3 out of 4 seasons ..

  10. With social media doing a purge, you might want to consider doing a video on communication. SHTF is happening now.

  11. Ballistic planters! I got a new project!
    Oh honey, do we have any old tires?
    Why do you ask ? Well, I saw this vid…..

  12. A quick heads up , AMAZON is going to de- platform PARLOR very shortly , maybe tonight and im hearing that the group that RUNS THE INTERNET is planning on removing ALL conservative sites . Over 9 Big Tech companies are now blocking Trump from having access to speaking to the public . AND , APPLE is updating in order to BLOCK THE EMERGENCY BROADCAST NETWORK because they believe that Trump has plans on using it to inform the public about whats going down . The Vatican and part of Italy is now in a grid down blackout after an announcement of info concerning the Italian governments involvement with US election hacking . Lin Wood has today stated that grid down across the USA is imminent and to prepare for it .

  13. Couple of questions. Do you have any fruit trees planted? And did you put the plans to move East on hold?

  14. Very clever the multi use for raised beds as an option for fighting positions. Keep up the good work and your positive attitude. God bless!

  15. Cool to watch. I’m building some raised beds next month. Just waiting for the weather to warm up a smidge so I can get them built. I have the wood already. I’ve got my seeds already. My first time having a go at growing food..

  16. I'm very impressed with Mike's ability to produce enough food for him and his family for 4-6 months. While Mike is an incredibly knowledgeable prepper who doesn't need any advice from me, I will suggest he gets more into HUNTING and FISHING. I don't remember him talking much about either. You need protein in your diet to be healthy.

    I really like the Addicted Fishing channel. It's a great source to learn how to fish.
    TROUT FISHING 101 – Beginners Guide To SUCCESS!

  17. Years ago we bought a rototiller with a friend. He used it once or twice but we used it until it wore out. We now produce all our vegetables and some of our dried beans. The time and effort in a garden is definitely worth it.

  18. Love this it’s raining here so in between storms I’m running out and planting then back in thank you for the advice and fellowship you have some awesome supporter very much appreciated and showed me there are still good people out there stay blessed

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