Edible Gardening

20 Edible Flowers You Can Grow & Eat Taste Test

John from http://www.growingyourgreens.com/ shares with you 20 edible flowers you can grow and eat from your garden. John will also taste test each of these flowers so you can learn more about what they taste like. You will also see close-up shots of each of the flowers so you can better identify them before harvest.
In this episode, you will learn 20 different edible flowers that you can grow in your garden this season. In Zone 9, these edible flowers are the result of a fall planting. In other climates, these edible flowers would be available in the summertime.
First, John shares with you more about edible flowers that he grows and why he grows them. You will learn some of the benefits of eating more edible flowers in your life.

You will learn about the following edible flowers
African Daisy
Sweet Allysum
Edible Flowers from Herbs
Edible Flowers from Vegetables
Shingiku Edible Chrysanthemum

After watching this episode, you will learn about 20 different edible flowers you can grow and eat in your garden. You will learn the importance of growing edible flowers and some unique tips and tricks regarding growing & eating edible flowers.

Referenced Episodes
How I extract edible Flowers

Previous Vegetable Edible Flower Episode

Why You should grow purple vegetables

Instant pot Greens

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  1. I tried eating Borage leaves and flowers, but unless you have a Camels mouth or one of a Giraffe. I don't think you'll enjoy the prickley texture.

  2. A human-rabbit 🐰🤫🤭🙂 !

    – His looks reminds me of the late, Jack Tripper the fictional character on the sitcoms Three's Company . Jack was played by John Ritter.

  3. It's fascinating how fresh we can eat, compared to processed dead food. Literally eating them as you pick them wow can't get any fresh than that…even though I don't know the benefits they have defo sounds like they are brimming with anti cancer detox properties. If everyone contributed to farming even just a bit, mean criminal cooperations with go out of business.

  4. im growing red veined sorrel, it's beautiful. i learned its high in oxylic acid. so i juice just a few leaves at a time. and add some to my salads.

  5. Wild violets packed with vitamin C also rose petals. Rose hips after a frost are delicious and packed with vitamin C.

  6. My dog absolutely loves eating my morning glories. I’ll have a couple with him…but he just goes crazy for them, he gives me a sad look when I eat one, like “hey, that was mine” 😂

  7. Very thorough and well laid out insightful video, thank you!

  8. Snapdragons look pretty, might eat. Had no idea edible. I do like ,cant spell, chrysanthemum greens. Take care.

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