Garden Plans

(SURVIVING!) Drought With Fruit Trees & Gardens ~ Fall Garden Plans ~ Food Shortages








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  1. Blister beetles destroyed a lot of my garden in one night. They are awful. My first garden but not going to give up. Praying for y’all to get rain.

  2. Margaret here from NW Arizona: all my fruit trees have suffered until the last Monsoon rain, in which my F 150 truck got stuck in the mud on the way to work because of the drenching downpour the night before (I reaped lots of water from the polycarbonate roof of my 20×12 greenhouse. The Arizona heat of summer is brutal every year, drought or not. My soil is sandy so the drip system has to be on 4min 4x per day on my 16 year old fruit trees, figs, apples, pear, citrus, peach and cherry. The cherry trees suffer the most. Peaches tend to last only about 15 years, and deal with drought poorly, unless constantly watered. Some apple varieties do better than others, but I keep dying branches cleaned out as much as possible, and our water costs about .0058cents per gallon, which in summer can be quite high bill despite the cost of fruit in the stores, which isn't by a long shot as nice as homegrown. The birds tell me when to harvest, and the cats eat the birds regularly. We get our rain all in about 20 minutes this time of year, and desert flash floods are to be carefully watched for. We have dirt roads here, so to have a truck with 4 wheel drive is helpful. I have one goat for the orchard, but she isn't bred to milk. I'm 75 so that's okay with me. The cats would drink most of it anyway. I have an acre and a quarter here with about 200 fruit trees: no use wasting a drop of water so I planted them 12-15 feet apart in some areas. They do that in New Zealand, so that's good enough for me! I don't sell the fruit because I don't want the AZ dept of agriculture down my throat. there are 3 family homes next door, so nothing is wasted. Drip systems on orchards are always the best route to take. Thanks for your videos. (I don't believe in "climate change"! To me it's nonsense. Temps over the last 100 years have been relatively the SAME!)

  3. Just keep trying! Love it. I’m on my third year gardening and I’ve had my share of failures. But I’ve had success also and that is encouraging. I’m wondering how many years it takes (for me) to learn gardening to the point of really being self sustaining! Haha 😆

  4. Have you tried Malabar spinach? It is a heat lover and vining type. Hope you try it! Here in Oklahoma we too have been in a drought and have the heat where we are, but the Malabar spinach is doing good and it is just beautiful 😍 Such a tasty green! Hope your fall garden is blessed💚💛

  5. Hello, I recently subscribed and enjoyed your story. I live in NE Texas. Were suffering from a lack of rain. I would love fruit trees but I have a large garden which has suffered from the lack of rain. This was my first attempt at this. I learned a lot and will definitely approach it differently next time. I really hope our condition changes.

  6. Tyler texas here… I'm doing all I can, but garden wouldn't feed a family of 3 this year! I'm just devastated with a huge water bill😣

  7. I have been gardening for 35 years. This year has thrown me for a loop. 180 lbs of potatos which are never ready till Oct..we pulled out of the ground July 26th. Very dry year. I just keep praying over my plants and pray for the best.

  8. SW Missouri: my garden just about quit, then we had a day of steady rain, praise the Lord! It had been in the upper 90s low 100s for a few weeks and no rain for about a month. Even with daily watering the plants in containers especially were suffering. Lost several squash cucumber and tomato plants. Everything else is showing promise again! Won't feed us through the winter months but like you mentioned there's still food at the grocery store! Lost all 6 nectarine trees I planted in the spring, despite regular watering.

  9. We lost our potatoes to blight. Our tomatoes are barely setting fruit. We have lost 2 apple trees to some sort of disease… maybe fire blight. I don't know. We also had to pull all beans that would not grow. We planted black-eyed peas and there's no fruit yet. 6 Zucchini plants yielded 3 whole zucchini so we just replanted a ton of squash and the bees are all over them so hopefully that will be a success. Our pumpkin patch gave one healthy pumpkin. First corn crop didn't exist. Second one is looking better. Okra is doing great. Melons are phenomenal this year. Peppers are ok but we had a bad horn worm infestation on them. Sweet potatoes appear to be going gang busters. A couple rainbow chard plants keep growing so we have a small amount of greens still coming. Getting ready to plant for fall. Lord bless our efforts!

  10. I'm on year 2 of my gardening journey doing the suburban backyard garden. I saw a neighbor using shade cloths, and got one myself. It has helped a little. Only things thriving right now are my okra, watermelon, cantaloupe, and zinnias. Things are still hanging on but not producing.

  11. I believe the stink bugs start out as grubs in the soil. I know Japanese bugs do. So if that's the case the drought probably killed them off. Who knows if they'll come back with enough rain.

  12. 🙂 I seriously would be growing lots of NOPALES all around the perimeter of the property. Great food in diverse Mexican recipes, see videos for recipes. Of course thorns removed with a sharp knife. Diced, boiled for a few minutes, strained. Add to a fresh salad with onions and tomatos, add to Mexican mole sauce, or add into an omelet with onions. Anyway you love it.
    Cactus pears are a delicious bonus. ❤
    🐄 🐃 🐂 Once those thorns are removed cattle will enjoy them too, a nice thirst quenching treat for the animals as well. They of course eat them raw, once their humans prepare it for them.
    Even turtles love them as well. 🐢 🐢 🐢

  13. Personally I do not like peaches and cream.. I think people grow it BC if the name. You can get a variegated corn that looks like peach and cream. I usually buy a super sweet verite. If they tasted like chalk you may have picked them too late.

  14. Hi! I never knew how to grow mucshrooms, in fact I have no idea. I don’t forget to show us if you do! Our strawberrys our doing great as well. We planted a couple of plants and now they probably are 10x of what they were! They aren’t putting on flowers tho but the6 are a different variety from what we are used to. We did seaside and these new ones I think are honeoy. I hope the shoulder is doing better. I got my carrie canner today and I’m ready to start! Thanks for sharing! No no no, HA DET BRA!

  15. We’re having a super strange year here in the garden too. But the grapes are great and the potatoes were ready 6 weeks early so there’s always a silver lining.

  16. I would think that mulch will help the moisture retention for the soil microbes around the orchard trees. I know you know this but it is what I would do in a similar situation.

  17. Do you all have crab apple trees? If so, what is the best? Thank you for y'alls content!

  18. Amazing to hear you talk about planting a fall garden, there isn’t really such a thing here in Scotland. Not much will grow beyond summer. Our root veg in the shops is 19p for a kilo, so we take advantage of that. It’s exceptionally windy and cold to grow an autumn garden.

  19. On the corn, sounds like it might have been picked late. There is a pretty tight window of about 7 days when the corn is sweet. With the heat the corn may have ripened quicker than you thought. Also, if you do not like purple hull peas you might try one of the zipper or cream field peas. They have a different taste. I like the purple hull and not the cream peas, perhaps you will be the other way around.

  20. My cherry tomatoes are doing great with shade after 4pm.
    Don't know why, but I have cabbage growing. Eggplant with partial shade is doing great. Peppers are great.
    For you two; Egyptian Spinach is excellent and growing like a weed right now. I have read between 100 and 109 for the last 40 days with no rain. Really, grow Egyptian Spinach in Texas.
    God Speed

  21. I let sunflowers reseed on their own. I just selectively pull the ones I don't want in the spring. Between the bird poo for fertilizer and the bees, they are great.

  22. My backyard raised beds have to be watered regularly be cause of heat and not much rain here south of Detroit. Too much 90 plus temps. I am 66 and live alone here.

  23. My Husband and I planted 5 new apple trees this year. We're under a drought here too. The trees were really suffering big time, despite me hand watering them weekly. We also had rose fraisers eat a lot of the new growth, but luckily once those nasty things died off the leaves grew back. we finally got a little rain, praise God 🙌

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