Garden Plans

2021 Garden Plans (with Plant Map)

Tune in as I discuss how we planned out our 2021 garden, with a special emphasis on crop rotation and companion planting.

In this video I also highlight what we plan to grow and our rationale for growing certain plants in certain beds!

We welcome you to reach out with questions, as we love conversing about all things plants! 🤗

Want to see more of our garden journey: Don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE and FOLLOW US 👇🏾



  1. It’s always amazing to see things growing so much on social media when I am not even thinking about putting anything in the ground for at least another month.

  2. I LOVE your setup! The table and the chart are SUCH a helpful tool and i wish my brain worked like yours haha. My brain's processes are what my husband calls "Chaos Theory". 🙂

  3. This is a GREAT and organized way to garden!! I love it!! I must show my husband the spreadsheet idea! It was nice meeting you today!

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