Garden Design

6 FREE Vegetable Garden Planning tools – design a vegetable garden layout

Design a vegetable garden layout with these FREE vegetable garden planning helpers. How to plan a vegetable garden with online.
#vegetablegardenlayout #freegardendesignsoftware #squarefootgardenlayout

VegPlotter – Free Garden Design Software /App:

Gardener’s Supply Free Kitchen Garden Planner:

Kellogg’s Free Companion Planting Guide:’s Free Companion Planting Chart:

Companion Planting Guide

Taylor County Wisc Extension’s Free Square Foot Gardening Guide:

Carlsbad Community Garden’s Free Square Foot Garden Cheat Sheet:

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We live on 8 acres in rural Iowa and have what feels like the perfect place to become less dependent on buying things in stores and the electric company. Dan and I are in our mid-50s and we are gearing up to retire early and make a self-sufficient living right here. Our goal is not just to survive, but thrive and we want to take you along with us on our homesteading journey. On our channel you will find videos on building things, recipes, canning, deep winter greenhouses, chickens and much more – anything we are doing to build our homestead! Subscribing to our channel, liking this video, and commenting below will help us to grow our channel and keep producing content.

Karyn has been a farm girl, teacher, software instructor, hospital office worker and a general nerd. She shares the recipes, kitchen and home tips, and works the garden.

Dan grew up in the Appalachian mountains of Tennessee. He has been a soldier, assembly line worker, farmer, and a sign maker. He works on improving the property, building things, and fixing things.

We post a new video every Sunday – sometimes more during the week. Looking forward to seeing you around!


  1. Hi Karyn, thank you for sharing VegPlotter. I glad you finding it useful. And thanks for the feedback re printing of the MyJobs page I see what you mean. I'll get that fixed.

  2. Thank you so much for the resources you've provided. I've been wanting something to map out garden plots for not only companion gardening, but also succession planting as well. This looks like a good start without too much of a learning curve. Thanks again!

  3. Thank you so much!.
    I just started planting vegetables.
    I'm still a baby into this walk in my life.
    Example,I just started tomatoes from seed in winter still,and had to bring them inside,lol.
    So still have alot to learn.
    But I was brought up on a farm.
    We had to sow if we were to eat!.
    My gra dmother and grandfather we true to this lifestyle!.
    When they died,I lost the love and passion I had got from that education they gave me .
    Now at the age of 53,I want that feeling and life style back!.
    The resources you have bast on to me,will help me get right on track.
    Thank you,God Bless…

  4. Oh my goodness, this was SO HELPFUL! I have always joked that I have a black thumb and it's a wonder that my children survived…and now we've bought a piece of land, we're planning to move out of the city, and suddenly…I'm a homesteader. This will be my first year actually trying to grow food. I wanted to start small, get my feet wet, learn what I'm doing…but my husband had other ideas. We're jumping in with both feet. Going big. I have spent soooooo much time online, trying to get a handle on this. I was specifically comparing two planners that are $30 each, trying to decide between the two, based on which one did the most hand-holding and leading me through. I typed "online garden planner review" in the search bar, and your video was, quite serendipitously, one of the results. Those charts! Oh my gosh, I love them! Subscribing in 3…2…1…

  5. Thanks so much for this! By the way, you can use the 'snippet' tool and select what you want in a 'frame' and print only that picture of what you highlight (it leaves out all the unnecessary).

  6. the veggie plotter is not free it is $20 a year not a bad rice but wanted you to know they now charge after 7 days

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