Garden Plans

Spring Clean up, Crape Myrtle pruning and Garden Plans

The start of gardening. Pruning a crape myrtle before it comes out of dormancy. Also showing winter sowing and seedlings that came up as well as sharing garden plans I have sketched out on graph paper.

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#gardening #pruningcrapemyrtle


  1. This was so much nicer to look at and get excited about than our zone 5b 1ft of snow still on the ground everywhere. Next 3 days supposed to be above freezing and rain so hope it's the last of it. Love the idea of the privacy evergreens.

  2. For your Crape Myrtle was it already in a tree form? I have one that is in the form of a bush and would like to form into a tree. Any suggestions? I like what you did to yours as far as taking the smaller branches off. My crocuses are up already as well. I think spring has to be my most favorite time with everything emerging. Do you fertilize? I loved to see your drawings for your beds. Pretty sweet. Thanks for sharing.

  3. I loved seeing your plans on paper…. You can make all the revisions you want until you are happy with it before even lifting a shovel. I was filming my crape myrtle video last week, it is due out on Friday of next week, I was teetering around on my ladder, I was so envious when you just opened the window and continued pruning from there… about handy😂😂😂 I see you still have some pockets of snow. What are your night temperatures like?

  4. I agree with you on the current bed. Is your goal to get the new bed installed this year? What kind of evergreen are you thinking off?

  5. so exciting to see your Winter Sowing containers. I'm scared to see how much I overseeded ahaha I tried not to but…..welllll hahahahhaa.

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