
Tomato Gardening Tips

Chef Jason Hill learns how to plant a tomato garden in this episode of “Chef Tips.”

Growing tomatoes is more tricky than you might think. John, a tomato farmer in Orange County, California, explains his tomato gardening tips, such as how growing heirloom tomatoes and organic tomatoes is a better choice than growing hybrid tomatoes.

Rather than using an upside down tomato garden, John works the soil with an organic planting mix containing calcium and a fertilizer with a Nitrogen, Phosophorous and Potassium ratio of about 8:11:10. John says that too much nitrogen will cause the tomato plants to have leafy greens, but little fruit.

Pruning tomatoes is also important. Be sure to cut off the wild runners that don’t produce and sap the plant, says John. Tomato cages are important for keeping the plant growing tall and the fruit off of the ground.

John has found that the best tomato producers in his garden include the Yellow Oxheart tomatoes, mortgage lifter tomatoes and Jubilee tomatoes. He also enjoys planting a variety of cherry tomato plants. SUBSCRIBE!


  1. Great video! Wish this video would have been out at the beginning of summer when I started growing my own tomatoes! 🙂

  2. @OmegaKilla100
    You don't know what you are missing!
    Toast a bagel. Spread on the cream cheese. Top with a fresh slice of tomato. Dust it with some white pepper and enjoy!

  3. Thanks for posting this Jason – esp. despite your fire. Hope things are coming along there with recovering from it ? My best to you all. Question? Why doesnt your father-in-law save seeds from his own tomatoes & replant them each year thereafter instead of buying nursery plants? I have to agree with him on the store bought tomatoes…..better to go without than to settle for those tasteless expensive excuses for a tomato ! Nothing like homegrown ! Thanks again & best wishes

  4. thank you very ,much for this video!! i loved the tip about cosmos and how they deal with unwanted bugs because i get soooo mad whenever i see spots eaten by bugs.

  5. Good to see you! Thanks for pushing thru everything going on and giving us all something to enjoy. As always, very generous of you Sir… I mean… Chef. 🙂

  6. I love tomatoes. They do taste very good with bagels or even with grilled cheese sandwiches:) Its so good to see that you and your family are doing okay. God Bless:)

  7. @yescandles It's shown in text below us during our conversation. Let me know if you need more help.

  8. @0MrENigma0 Thanks so much! We're filming another video today on location. Just trying to keep things interesting as we rebuild our kitchen..

  9. @mukwah1111 Thank you so much! Actually, he said he is going to save the seeds this year because there are a few plants he really enjoyed this year. We are still trying to rebuild. We are so upset that it has been 2 months already with no money from our insurance yet to pay our contractor. It is a nightmare….

  10. @bibbeny Thanks so much. We are really anxious to get back into the kitchen and make some videos. Until then we are going to do a few on location, such as this one. Take care, Jason

  11. @ChefTips My very best to you and your family Jason. I hope the insur comes thru quickly for you. What an awful thing to have to live thru. It's often said that what doesnt kill you makes you stronger but those words of wisdom dont help during the time of a crisis or the aftermath….. You have my best regards. Hang in there !

  12. you have some nice fruit there i love heirlooms and have 20 varieties this year i ha ve videos here on youtube from the last three years.tell your father in law to grow the paul robeson tomato its incredible.

  13. Hello,
    props to your father in law for his great tips and his great attitude!

    I like this video very much!

    best wishes from Germany


  14. I am so envious. They look awesome. Unfortunately this year we had over a month of 100 degree temperatures with sunlight that burned everything. Didn't matter how you watered the plants the heat did it's damage. From 6 tomato plants we harvested maybe 6 eatable tomatoes. Next year, I'll buy lots of umbrella's to shade the plants if the sun beats down again ! ! ! ! !

  15. @9aspengold5
    Oh man that's not good! I know tomato plants like sun but not that much. That's a good idea about umbrellas. You can put them up during the day when the sun is really intense. Then take them down so they can get the sun they need.

  16. Your Father-in-law is just like my husband. He refuses to eat store bought tomatoes. Only home grown tomatoes.

  17. California has amazing tomatoes. Check out Stanislaus tomato products, they are from Cali and really good, I use their sauce on my pizzas

  18. This very helpful since I'm trying to grow my own tomato plant. It's good to know about the plants that repel insects. Thank u

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