Garden Plans

How I'm going to MAXIMIZE my urban vegetable garden (plans for 2016!)

In which I tell you about all the crazy things I plan to do in my back yard in 2016, explain my obsession with ‘The Edible Garden’ and show you around my sprawling 0.03 acres again!

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Edible garden first episode:


  1. For your roof pumpkins: sugar pumpkins are smaller (soccer ball size) and sweeter for eating. Don't forget to plant your walls–see YouTube for ideas. Raised beds easier and better than rebuilding old dead city soil. Get the oldest manure you can find. Compost everything. Corn: plant a large pot for the novelty–corn needs lots of corn family to prosper–20 or more plants. Grow more things on the garage where there is more sun–indeterminate tomatoes that vine naturally! Consider a jury-rigged lean-to plexiglas "greenhouse" in front of/on window to start seedlings.Happy Birthday–can see you are already smarter!

  2. Tell the bee I enjoyed the video. You con start your corn indoors. I start mine a month before I plant out. Your plan look good . I am looking forward to seeing I. Gene

  3. Roof pumpkins – how cool! You probably already know about Mark over at Vertical Veg but just in case you haven't checked him out he has some great tips re: maximizing space. I am in a similar position space wise – no yard but a tiny allotment plot 5m x 10m. Happy growing πŸ™‚

  4. I love your plans! I also have watched the Edible Garden videos – in the depth of last winter – how wonderful she is and what she did with that space. I have been fermenting a lot of veg this year (as Alys did) great way to preserve food and oh so good for you (tastes good too if you like that sort of thing). Keep up the garden dreams – they are so much a part of the process. Looking forward to your next vid!

  5. You got a gorillapod! Awesome! πŸ™‚ I'll have to show you the stand a friend of mine got me for my phone. πŸ™‚ I will put it as a link under my next video, next week. Awesome planning! πŸ™‚ I would love to see some of your diagrams for what you want to do next, how you've laid out the space on paper as well as in your head. πŸ™‚ Always good talking to you, see you soon! <3

  6. Hi Again, Maybe try growing all year vegetables. Here in Australia we have carrots and lettuce that grows all year round. I don't know if you have these types of veggies but it's worth looking out for them. We probably have more types of veggies over here that grow all year long. They come in seed packs over here. Also you could start a compost with left over food scraps vegetable peels tea bags coffee grounds etc. Potatoes are a good vegetable that stores well that would be good to grow. You can do them in the ground or pots. Good Luck all the best bye…

  7. Another successful video… love it! Fun, and I love your garden!
    When you talk about green manure, you mean fresh? If that is the case be careful, because some fresh manure will burn your plants. (I learned that the hard way, by almost destroying my mom's garden when I was really young… I learn less is more when it comes to fresh guano (birds) manure… lol
    Where are you going to plant your tomatoes and peppers next year?
    And also, just like you, I will need to rip some plants out because they are not tasty at all (tiny tasteless figs got to go!)
    I remember you mention you also have a plot in a community garden, what will you plant there?

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