Vegetable Gardening

Vegetable Gardening : How to Keep Caterpillars Away from Vegetable Gardens

To keep caterpillars away from your vegetable gardens, try spraying a little insecticidal soap on your plants or using a fabric row cover as a barrier. Keep your garden caterpillar-free with the advice in this free video on vegetable gardening.

Expert: Ali Reynolds
Bio: Ali Reynolds owns and operates a small organic nursery. She has a master gardener’s certificate as well as a landscape and gardening certificate, and has gardened for more than 35 years.
Filmmaker: Mike Phillips

Series Description: If you love fresh vegetables, gardening in general or just want a fun and rewarding new hobby, your green thumb will blossom with the aid of these vegetable gardening tips. Learn the secrets of vegetable gardening from a professional instructor in this free video series.


  1. Goodness. Are they forbidden to live in the entire city? I wonder how they would regulate something like that though.
    Or is it just forbidden to have chickens and ducks as pets?

  2. Creating this video as one of the best learning tools are quite flattering. It's killing me when I eradicate caterpillars away but we have no choice in terms of protecting our favorite plants. 

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