Vegetable Gardening

HOT SUMMER Vegetable Gardening || Black Gumbo

In very hot climates, vegetable gardening seems impossible. But there are vegetable crops that thrive in the high heat and high humidity of subtropical areas. many zones across our nation experience temperatures well into the 90s for extended periods of time. What can you grow in such a climate? There are many crops that do well. I will show you how I am transitioning my Spring Garden into a summer garden here on the Texas coast. Stick with it to the end and I will share with you some varieties that thrive in a high heat climate.

Black Gumbo shares our suburban, backyard, sustainable gardening efforts. We work a small-scale, typical Zone 9a garden and raised beds, the kind of gardening accessible to all. We tend to take the slice of life approach and hope you will enjoy our family, our dog, our cooking, our adventures, and occasionally some commentary and advice. We love family, joy and friendship, and we invite you to enjoy these things with us!

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  1. Thank you for being there for all of us backyard gardeners, still watching and learning.

  2. Dang, had a shoebox of skinny tubers I was going to make dog treats out of. It didn't happen but I thought I should replant them. I could have made slips. I saw something similar on deep south and it didn't register. Coulda, woulda, shoulda. Next year for sure.

  3. I have a Cool Breeze solar hat. I give it a 9 on the scale of 10. I'd give it a 10 but it stops when you're in the shade.

  4. We’ve gone from nice to HOT in a week. It’ll be 100 tomorrow in Fort Worth. I was just outside watering some of the garden – not the tomatoes cuz they prefer early morning watering. 😁. Will be pulling out cucumbers soon, too.

  5. Im in south Texas and I feel the same way where I prefer to garden in the heat of the day than early morning or in the evening cause i get eaten by mosquitoes.

  6. Hi Scott, Love your channel- have been watching since you made your videos on the pumpkin/melon pits last year. I'm from the Houston area as well and wanted to see if you have had the chance to grow the Armenian Yard-Long Cucumber? Supposedly they do well in the heat. I bought some seeds this week from Bakers creek, along with a list of others that I will throw in the ground as soon as they arrive! Might be a little behind planting in my summer garden, but better late than never!

  7. Hi! I'm wondering, how long does it take for the sweet potatoes to reach maturity /harvest? I have a small space that I need for fall but would love to have a summer crop too. Thoughts? Thanks! Also, love your channel it's been very helpful!

  8. You're maybe gonna be severely tested by this week's temperatures. Hope you're coping OK with the high heat, hotter than ever this year.

  9. You forgot to mention something about the red okra. It's one of the most beautiful plants you can grow.

  10. This is dumb but how do u water properly bc my plants always fall down when I water, they aren't big enough to vine all the way yet they are still perky

  11. Love this! I always marveled at my uncle's okra in his backyard in San Antonio. You could almost watch them grow because they grew so fast. One day you had a nice baby okra, the next day it was over done. Here in the PNW we are still waiting for summer. Going from in the 60's today to in the 90's in two days. My poor plants are really confused. Happy gardening wherever you are.

  12. Thank you for all the great advice ….doing container & totes on our back Deck & front on Lake Conroe, Texas as Tried 1st yr doing my gardening like I did yearly up in Northern Illinois from 13 yrs ago an it all died .
    Found you & many others in this hot heat & want to make memories with my granddaughters….we also took them Camping for 1st time last weekend up by LAKE LIVINGSTON as they have a nice RV park .
    Even though we live right on lake Conroe it's so choppy on boat .
    Lake livingston is smooth .
    Thank you & going back out to purchase some okra & beans to plant along with more containers…..Josette Tharp

  13. Scott, will flame weeding also get rid of blight or other diseases too? I am container gardening and wondering if I am able to plant back in the same soil where my tomatoes had developed blight. Thoughts?

  14. The flame weeder looks awesome!!

    I purchased pinkeye purple hull seeds. not select (this year) Do I need to trellis or supply them with support?
    Okra producing nicely already. TIA!

  15. This also kills the slugs and pull bugs, I don’t mind getting rid of them guys! I live in zone 10b Los Angeles, CA and I just can’t get rid of the pill bugs! Ahhhhhhh! They eat everything.😣

  16. Have you ever considered using shade cloth like Cali Kim? I haven’t yet but I’ve thought of it. And she’s only in California- I think Texas, Georgia, and Okinawa are much hotter.

  17. Hi I really enjoy your videos and lessons. I have learnt a lot and am always encouraged by you. I am from the Caribbean btw.

  18. I live in Iowa, so my growing conditions are very different from yours, but there is still some good information for my garden, especially dealing with heat, very dry weather (we are in a drought) and, as a human that is used to cold more than heat, gardening when it is so hot out.

  19. Okay, subscribed. I live in WA, in 8b, yet we are going to have a heat wave of over a week at 90s, and three days in a row at 106, 113, and 111 starting in the morning. Yikes! We are not used to this, so…I planted okra.

  20. I am in central Florida and am ready to plant my purple hull peas and sweet potatoes. I have never used a flame weeder. What brand and strength do you recommend? I have a 6 X 12 raised bed so my garden isn't huge, but I am constantly fighting the weeds.

  21. I live in panhandle of FL. Yep you guessed it, ALL SAND. What plants will grow half way decent in sand ?? I TRY to compose but mostly I make sure I fertilize with Miracle Grow or Epsome Salt. Thanks 🌴⛱️

  22. I always learn from your videos as well as Gardener Scott! Keep up the great work, you certainly are helping beginner gardeners such as myself!

  23. LOL the music and vibe of the into was way too funny!!! Florida summer gardening can certainly be a challenge!

  24. I agree on the daytime vs nighttime mosquitos. If there's a little breeze I'd rather get a little sweaty, rather than wake up the next day itching at my legs from those damn mosquitos!

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