Gardening Supplies

How to Install a Grocery Row Garden and Turn a Lawn into a Long-Term Food Supply

Over the last few weeks we have been building a new garden in the backyard, starting with kitchen gardens and herbs, and now, finally, recreating our Grocery Row Gardening system on a larger scale!

Join us as we plant a garden and have some fall fun. And bury a sacrifice. Here’s how to plant a grocery row garden, piece by piece. (Including some impromptu plumbing).


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Grocery Row Gardening is a permaculture gardening method developed by David The Good. It is an agroforestry garden on a backyard scale, creating a food forest under control by putting it into rows. It uses elements from Stefan Sobkowiak’s Permaculture Orchard, Andrew Millison’s edible hedges, Geoff Lawton’s food forest systems, Ernst Goetsch’s Syntropic Agriculture, Ann Ralph’s Grow a Little Fruit Tree and lots of my own innovation, creating a food garden that overflows with life. I consider it my backyard emergency food supply, as well as a place of joy and beauty.


  1. My dad's word was "rat's ass" every time he was having a problem with a project. When he went to saying "bear's ass!" Mommy started shooing us kids off to play out on the farm. 🤣

  2. DTG: You didn't come out here to see me bury a dead goat did you?
    Me: Um… Uh. Oh! Of course not. That would be… Never mind.

  3. science is a interconnected disaplanery overlap between transitions positions ,contrapositions , thesies atithesies peer review ,peer reveiwed thesies and anti-thesies and jacksta positions!

  4. Oh my gosh, you cracked me up when you said “I should just till the whole yard and find out where the pipes are”—I needed that! I tend to find things that way as well, Although I recently lost a sprinkler by putting in a new bed and forgetting where exactly it is…

  5. MAKE SURE YOU PLANT THE LOQUAT TREE BEFORE IT DIES! My dad has loquats here in South Texas, & he gets a ton of them in the spring & they’re delicious! You don’t even have to do much for them – they grow well in warm weather climates. I usually go over to his house between late March & early April, and I’m usually able to gather huge buckets full of the fruit. I pull the peeling off and eat them fresh (spitting out the seeds, but I also make tons of loquat jelly, which is delicious on biscuits, muffins, as a filling between layers of cake, etc.. The only year that they didn’t produce fruit, was after the big Texas freeze, but I hope they’ll produce fruit again in 2023.

  6. We’ve hit a big 480v line that the utility didn’t mark pre-dig on the tractor with a ripping shank…. KABOOOOOM!

  7. I'd be afraid of all the grass regrowing even though it was dry, will it not come back?

  8. I somehow got "unsubscribed". The good news is my membership stayed intact. I'm back. I appreciate your awesome contributions.

  9. We haven’t been able to get on to our land, yet, hopefully our house will be done in the next month or so. The ground is rock hard and we had planned to bring out bags of leaves and put down the ground cloth you recommended. BUT, the trees won’t be able to go in until spring. Do you recommend we wait a year to plant trees? Or hire a tiller and just till and plant this fall/winter? We want to get it right!

  10. You might have wanted to put a tee in and connected that horizontal pipe so you can add other faucets elsewhere

  11. I'm in the planning state of turning my back yard into a garden. I get a lot of information from you and thank you a lot for that. I tell my husband, "The more I can grow, the less you have to mow!"

  12. The soil looks 1000% better than the last garden! I can relate to clearing the area before plumbing as the air tends to get blue when using pvc..
    Question for you.. would this principle of grocery row garden work on a approx 30 degree slope as long as the beds can be formed and kept in place? Also, if a swale before a 4’ wide level bed on the up slope side would work well to keep erosion to a minimum and also serve as a H2O catchment bank of sorts. Slope is west to east, east facing, gets sun most of the day, planning beds to run north south across the slope. I have 16 fruit trees – bare root and in pots, 6 raspberry starts and comfrey root to start with and as I find other shrubs will add them. Plan to keep fruit trees small, no taller than 6’ to make pruning and eventual harvesting easier and ladder free.
    Working on digging out wild invasive Himalayan blackberries and scotch broom before I run the tractor and rototiller over it so fragments of blackberry roots don’t spread everywhere and make more.

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