Vegetable Gardening

Winter Soil Preparation for Vegetable Gardening : The Chef's Garden

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After the growing season has ended, the next thing you’ll need to do is winterize your soil for vegetable gardening. Find out about winter soil preparation for vegetable gardening with help from a classically-trained chef with experience in both World class restaurants and private dining companies in this free video clip.

Expert: Teca Thompson
Filmmaker: Rudi Rose

Series Description: Veggie gardening requires you to take a wide variety of different things into consideration, including the time of year. Learn about veggie gardening basics with help from a classically-trained chef with experience in both World class restaurants and private dining companies in this free video series.


  1. I haven't tried crushed leaves for fertilizer yet. I am waiting to try it around my azalea's, with some pine for a better acidic compound. Thanks for sharing. =)

  2. if you got on your hands and knees and faced the other direction we would have what I guess would be an incredible view.

  3. Typed basic gardening into YouTube and got a half black woman with half exposed breasts in pi k pants giving me basic advice. Well done, internet.

  4. I am dying from laughter while watching this jealous, small-titted woman throwing out hate comments in comment section xDDD but well, it that's what makes you more self-confidant then go on 😛

  5. All I thought about was planting my my zucchini deep in her pumpkin while I I fondled those luscious ripe melons, then I knew It was about to turnip when I see her grab my cob and Fondle my beets,I blew squash allllll over her sweet pea row, as I fondled her cherry tomatoe, Over and over again i thruster in the soil,while she kept moaning lettuce try it sowing it deeper this time..

  6. Thanks for sharing.
    For my hugelkultur raised beds I grow cover crops in the fall, Oats and Crimson clover, they both winter kill in my area. Some beds are topped with chopped fall leaves and grass clippings on top of the cover crops after a heavy frost. I also add my own compost, some coffee grounds, some urea, biochar that has been charged, then top with thin cardboard, then top that with compost and yard waste during the rest of the winter months. Sometimes I'll trench compost in some of the beds as well.
    I never till, everything is layered and works fine for my small gardens

  7. lol 113k subscribers. Wear a little more clothes and I guarantee she's have no more the 1-2k subscribers. Oh well girl just making the most of what she got I guess

  8. These are some great tips. We use a lot of leaves down here in the south. Great job of sharing!

  9. Yes yes she's good looking now enough BS on coment section and if not gardener enthusiast get lost.

  10. What exactly is she selling here? She's usually on her knees with her legs open. She's always wearing sexy low-cut tops. She's always wearing cute two-side ponytails and she's always wearing pink. Hmmm…

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