Garden Plans


Kaye shares a quick update about Jeff Poppen, AKA, Barefoot Farmer’s ideas about how to develop the gardens. Are you a late bloomer like me? I’m starting life over on a Tennessee homestead! Join the journey! SUBSCRIBE, hit the bell, scroll down and hit “ALL” so you won’t miss out!

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“Late Bloomer” exists to inspire anyone to grow their own food.

Kaye’s vlog covers gardens, travel, homesteading, and interesting people. Please share!

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  1. Exciting times, nice to have a set of expert eyes on that soil. I would love to have a place like that.

  2. fingers crossed for you that the bite is only that.
    The terrace plan sounds brilliant … look forward to watching it come together.

  3. This was so much fun watching you explore your opportunities with Barefoot Farmer! Hope all is better with your tick challenges! Take care of yourself!

  4. What exciting times for you! Boy, you didn’t need another tick bite but I will pray that it is not anything bad. You are a worker!

  5. Hello kaye,,, whats happening,,,,,, 👍 wow am watching ur show & bear foot farmer,,,, we'll is a funny fella,, very entertaining indeed kaye ,,,,,, oh I like your red hat kaye is super fabulous,,,, 🤓😏👍🍎👏🍷 great show have a nice day,,,,,,

  6. Be careful with ticks. I worked in lab and my peer got ticks from east coast and do research for Lyme diseases.

  7. I will keep your tick bite situation in my prayers – certainly not a fun thing you have to deal with. I hope you heal up quickly and thoroughly. I think your new garden plan will be a success. Your consultant sure seems to know how to site a garden and farm plot! Your helper is also great!

  8. Kaye its a fun time at the Tennessee Homestead
    The Bare Foot Farmer ,, he reminds of "Uncle Ken"
    from "Side Step Adventures" his laugh is the same soooooo
    infectious,,,, great,,,, you are getting together a good team
    im glad for you ,,,,, this time next year you will have a growin wonderland,,,,, gud on ya,,, you work hard,,,,,
    we are back in AZ ,,,, to repair the damage to our house,,,,
    Kaye blessings to you,,,, keep away from "terrible terry the tick"
    it seems ticks are in abundance where you are so
    when outside spray with tick repellent,,,,, Ed & LucyX

  9. Hi There! Nasty looking bug bites. When I went to Alaska I bought some mosquito pants. Only place that ticks were abundant for me was Florida. But the worse I encountered on my travels was the chiggers in Florida while sitting g around the fire pit one night. Those bites inched for two weeks and I was miserable. I’m not sure if the mosquito 🦟 pants would help against chiggers but get something. I also have a mosquito net that goes over my hat and collar. Get the green one. Easier to see through. Florida is not seeing me again. Way to many frightening beasts. Hahaha I’m always afraid of poison Icy and Oak. I always forget what it looks like. By the way I’m way out in the forest of Arizona now. No one around for miles. Love watching ya!

  10. You were wise to begin with expert advice on were to plant trees etc., I think most of have learned the hard way that it's essential to get 'the bones' in the right place when starting a new garden…$ well spent.

  11. Kaye, Lyme disease is no joke! Please please please get treatment asap! I have a friend who gets horrible side effects because they didn't get hers treated in time. I also know someone who has no side effects because they did catch it in time. Here in Maine the ticks are awful this year. My dad pulled off 16 at once from being out in the field a couple days ago.

  12. The flea is the state bird of Tennessee and the tick is worse. Yes we could all kick ourselves for not using repellant but if you never had chiggers….be thankful. All the rest seem like a very minor problem…

  13. Ticks are a way of life here in Tn. I have pulled more than I can count off of me and my family for all of our lives. Not to mention the pets. We have never had issues. Other than now in my older years, I get allergic reactions to their bites. But the same thing happens to me with other insect bites. I hate ticks and chiggers and sweat bees and horse flies. Love Jeff Poppin. I set through one of his lectures at one of the Red Boiling Springs Folk Medicine Festivals. It was great. As was the Folk Medicine Festival. I love visiting Red Boiling Springs. So beautiful and like stepping back in time.

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