Front Yard Garden

Breeding Hydragea in water, the perfect idea for a romantic front yard landscape

Hydragea flower is that it has asexual flowers, the flower color is white at first, then gradually turns blue or pink, depending on the pH of the soil.
The best time to plant hydrangeas

Hydrangeas bloom profusely from spring to summer, so the best time to plant hydrangeas is fall, followed by early spring. Because, planting flowers at this time will give the plant enough time to develop healthy roots before the plant focuses on nutrients to bloom.

The best time of day to plant hydrangeas is early morning or late afternoon. Because hydrangeas are water-loving plants, if planted at another time of day, the plant is likely to lose water and die.

The best soil for hydrangeas

Hydrangeas grow well in soils rich in organic matter. Although hydrangeas are water-loving plants, they cannot live in waterlogged conditions. Therefore, special attention should be paid to the drainage capacity of the soil. Soggy, poorly drained soil can cause root rot, and within 1 to 2 weeks there is a high chance the plant will be waterlogged.

To improve soil quality, you can mix organic compost with soil to add nutrients to the soil, help plants grow roots quickly and bloom bigger and more beautiful.

Right from its name – Hydra means “water”, hydrangea is very hydrophilic. Therefore, when the summer comes, you need to pay special attention not to let the hydrangea lose water, otherwise the plant will wilt and weaken. Hydrangea has long, large, strong roots, so if the tree has enough water, the tree is provided with adequate nutrients, the branches and leaves will be fat and fresh.

You should water the plant regularly, hydrangea leaves also love to be sprinkled with water. If the weather is too harsh, add a layer of organic humus (dry leaves, eggshells…) around the base of the tree to limit water evaporation.

Although hydrangeas love water, too much water can cause the flower roots to become waterlogged. Watering should be done in the early morning and late afternoon to prevent the hydrangea from wilting on hot days.

Put the tree in a shady place, fertilize the buds

Hydrangea has a water-loving property, so if you see that the plant has wilted leaves, drooping branches, put the plant in a shady spot. Because if the plant is in the sun for too long, the plant will quickly lose water.

In order for the plant to produce many large flowers, flowers bloom in the right season, you should fertilize the buds for the tree. Fertilizers capable of stimulating shoots are nitrogen (N) fertilizers.
🌳 I hope you will like it!
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  1. keşke hangi gübre kullan dı onu gösterseniz çok beyendim benim çok ortancam var hiç ćiçek vermedi bu yıl

  2. Today is day 30. I have some new growth Abend some of the stems just rotted. I am still excited to see how they grown. Today I will pot them.

  3. My hydrangeas have speckles on the leaves this year and no blooms? Suggestions? Is there a safe spray I can use to make spots go away? Do you cut hydrangeas back each year?

  4. Preciosas yo las tengo nuevas me dan las flores pequeñas tengo que podarla este invierno o no ,una pregunta por favor es gratis la suscripción gracias 😘🍀

  5. They are Magnificent!!!! I just subscribed ☺ I'm going g to do this. Can it be done with a store bought potted plant ? Thank you for the rest of the information given. The transcript is a BIG plus. Have a great love filled day.

  6. Hallo, looks gorgeous. Question is in winter do you keep outside if there is snowing or move inside in your house? Will be appreciated if I get your reply in English subtitle. Thanks Zz bye , from Canada.

  7. Вы прекрасны ! Браво – Браво !!!Чем серым веществом подкармливать? Чайной ложкой ?

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    Módlmy się:Boże,Który w niewymownej Opatrzności Swojej Świętych Aniołów dla naszej obrony posyłać raczysz,daj nam,pokornie Ciebie prosimy,abyśmy opieką Ich byli zawsze chronieni i wspólnym z nimi obcowaniem cieszyli się wiecznie.Przez Chrystusa,Pana naszego.Amen

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