Container Gardening

Container Gardening Potting Mix WARNING Vegetable Plants Growing in Garden Soil *NEED GREEN Leaf FIX

If your plants are not growing that good, or stunted or yellowish, it could be the soil you are using and that could use some help. Add in greens and this could fix most any type of soil.
Here is a side by side potting mix plants all planted as the same time, all were the same size at time of planting:

Here are the SAME Solar Fountain Kits I buy for our Yard and this is an affiliated/aff. link to the company:

and another of the same Solar Fountain aff. Link we use:
and another aff. link for the Solar Fountains we use here, as they run out fast:

Here is a Company that I buy from for tubing for the SOLAR FOUNTAIN Kits, this is an aff. link to their site, the size I get is (5/16″ ID x 7/16″ OD) which this aff. link will take you right to:

Best Price I have found for TULLE. This is TULLE that Great Fabric SO CHEAP and last years outside here, here is an aff. link to check out, many colors, I usually get one of the greens, but any color will work great:

Soldering Iron works for making holes in buckets and totes, this is an aff. link to someone I have purchased a soldering iron from:

Video of Fountain with No Solar Pump used:

This is a pump that works off a Power Bank unit, (like a phone Charger) no solar needed:
#containergardening #robbieandgarygarden


  1. I find that some potting mixes that are organic don't pack enough punch until after the soil has had time to break down. They mainly consist of wood chips which is basicly what you are paying out-the-nose for. I have had to add my own furtalizers to my brand new potting soil just to make the soil acceptable to use.

  2. you almost lost me when you mentioned Miracle grow lol but I decided to give you a fair try, but in all honesty if your looking to save money why not try living soil? Ive been on a living soil kick for 2 years and I never throw my dirt away I build up the microbes and my worms in the soil take care of the rest. Cover crops with a little straw with worms and your killing it. Since I am organic I need to plan ahead instead of rely on some crappy synthetic garbage, but worm castings have been straight from GOD and not one thing in this world can be bought to out do worm castings. Not even sure why im typing this people tell me you cant use worms they will eat your plants lol if they seen me use milk in my soil they would really freak, DON'T RUN OUT AND BUY MILK TO THROW IN YOUR GARDEN, there is a process some people literally don't read. My mycelium build up don't last too long those worms eat it up

  3. Cucumbers should not follow radishes unless you re-enrich the soil. Next time reverse the order, first cucumbers then radishes. Radishes do not like rich soil. Here is the suggested follow-on: Beans then Roots the greens then Fruits.

  4. Don’t buy Expert from Walmart! It’s total garbage! I took three bags back bc it had weird stuff in it. I got couple name brand.

  5. This year I tried starting my seeds in Miracle Grow Organic vegetable soil with moisture control and I regretted it. I didn't have the same level of germination and very shortly after everything started looking yellow. I went back to standard Miracle Grow and Black Gold all are doing well now.

  6. Please start your own compost. Im using just kitchen vegetable and fruit scraps with some aged horse manure. It costs nothing except a 3'X3' space. I add bone meal, coffee grounds, and egg shells and layer it with green waste… I use it with new planting, new garden beds, mulching my garden. I also use it to pot up larger plants in my yard. I only purchased 2 bags of seed starting mix this year. No yellowing and lots of vigorous growth.. Im an avid composted… Just do it!

  7. Hi Robbie, I am going through my seeds, I know I can do the wet paper towel test to see if they are still viable. But I heard somewhere that certain seeds will not germinate after that 1 season they are designated for, and there are seeds that are good for a long time. What is your experience?

  8. Anybody with a bit of brain would never buy potting soil
    Bag of pit moss $13
    Bag of amendment $9
    Perlite 18
    $40 and you can have 7 cubic foot of the Absoloutly Best quality mix

  9. I’m going broke on potting soil for my container garden! So I just bought a great composter – can’t wait for it to arrive. Should have a good amount of new soil for fall plantings. Here in SoCal we have two season – summer and Christmas 🤣 – and we can grow almost year round.

  10. I’ve had the same experience this year. I started a worm farm so help offset for next year.

  11. Good observation with the compost over the last few years. It’s changed dramatically. And dries out quickly. I think one needs to remix with good soil. And fortify with blood bone and fish. As there is very little food value in it today. Dr r Kirby uk.

  12. Thanks for this video. I thought is was me and noticed that the garden soil didn’t seem right. My garden was a flop last year and I was ready to give up and decided to use containers this year. I added amendments in my soil and they seem to be doing pretty good. I do like Miracle grow too. 👍🏻

  13. I'm so disgusted with miracle grow potting soil and garden soil. NOTHING but grass and weeds pooping up in all of my plantings. Pretty pathetic that you have to stay pulling weeds the vet next day after planting anything. And I'd don't mean one or two little weeds, I mean it looks like you've bought weed seeds instead of soul. Miracle grow is horrible. So put all kinds of chemicals on your plants and they " grow". So it's it ultimately with it?

  14. Chemtrails (look up)… and also, they’ve probably been sitting out on shipping containers for months on end in hot and cold extremes. Heaps of people getting bad food, mouldy clothing, etc.

  15. please watch gardening in canada, she tells you why some of your practices are not what you think

  16. Hi there! You said you are willing to try new things…:) I have quit using potting soil altogether! Like you said, its wood chips. After watching Gary at Laguna Hills Nursery….I changed to 30%course sand, 30%perlite and 40%peat moss. My garden can breathe, and is terrific! Gary does a live teaching every Saturday, and you can see it on utube. Check pout his SOIL VIDEO. Fertilizer goes on top.

  17. I agree. I have been planting more this year than before, and I am having to mix or layer. It is certainly a different thing than last year. Thanks for helping us to understand.
    Also, thanks for the tip on using tulle, started that too.
    I plan to "eat what I grow."

  18. Yes I’ve had the same experience,please show how you add your paper mix and layers and can it work for indoor plants too.

  19. Thank you so much for sharing your observations. This may be the reason that some of my veg is not getting to maturity. Great tomatoes, sweet red peppers, eggplant- can't get some seeds past 3 inches, though.

  20. "They" dont want us to eat…watch SHADOW GOVT made in 09…think im crazy?..not the place?…WATCH IT

  21. Make your own cheaper. Mix peat with perlite or vermiculite. Big bags. Add a little compost and it’s cost effective and better than bags of soil. 😊

  22. I am amazed at the zucchini I am growing after I used your last fertilizer system wow! But my beans bloom but do not have beans never happened Lots of flowers no beans! What can I do?

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