Garden Plans

Garden Plans and Checking In

We are well, and despite the quarantine we are making pans for our garden, or perhaps this year “Victory Garden.”
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  1. I have such great memories of my moms and grandmas large garden when I was a kid. Tilling, planting, weeding and harvesting. Then the freezing and canning. To me it was all just normal everyday stuff. Now I realize just how special it was.

  2. Was thinking about you and my favorite camera woman.
    Glad you're both well.👍

  3. Hi Paul, So glad to hear you and Beverly are well. I am too, here in Frisco TX. Missing Michigan a lot, so it's good to see your videos from there. I can't figure out how to grow a garden here in Frisco, it's too hot and the soil is terrible, all clay. Thinking about Winter in Michigan is the only thing that keeps me here. Hope you have a great garden, can't wait to see what you harvest.

  4. We were just talking about our garden a little bit ago. The ground here is still a little too frozen. We still have quit a bit of snow and ice. But we're totally ready when our ground is. We have 80 acres. More than half is wooded. We have blueberries and raspberries, but I plan to increase those and add blackberries for fun. I can't wait!

  5. That garden is huge! I thought ours was quite big for a UK garden but nothing like that. Looking on Google maps, Michigan looks pretty rural, lots of smaller towns, is that right?
    We're on our first week of lock down here and only supposed to go out once a week for food which is impossible with a family. I went out earlier on in the week and it took ages as only so many people are allowed in the supermarket at any one time and stay 6ft apart. Better than spreading anything around though. It's been a bit mad here as I work for the NHS (Healthcare) so it's been non-stop 🙁

    Glad you're both well. Stay safe all.

  6. Oh I wish I had a green thumb! I am so happy you are doing well. Stay safe out there!

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