Backyard Garden

Homeowner Didn't Recognize His House After This Lawn Makeover – CRAZY OVERGROWN TALL GRASS CLEANUP

This backyard is a complete mess. The first thing you notice is indoor and outdoor furniture on the patio. Also on the patio is weeds growing through every crack possible. The edge of sidewalk to the garage hasn’t seen daylight in years and to top it all off the lawn is over waist high in most areas.
I did a complete makeover in this video including rearranging the furniture to make some kind of sense.
This transformation is one of my favorites that I have done on youtube so far. This has everything you want that is satisfying to watch. It has overgrown edges, crazy tall grass, overgrown weeds, and great before and after pics.
I hope you enjoy.

00:00 hallelujah
00:14 before pics
00:39 blowing off patio
01:04 trimming weeds in cracks
02:51 heavier than I thought
03:50 trimming backyard perimeter
07:08 hey deer
09:29 edging
12:50 missed some cracks
14:03 always carry extra string
14:30 blow off again
15:29 lets mow this tall stuff
22:10 once over to spread clippings
22:41 before and after pics

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  1. Wow, just WOW!! I love all the details you tended to like moving the furniture to clean up the patio, blowing the dust off them & staging it so much better. And all the work on edging, strimming and mowing at various levels left a very wonderful result…no wonder the owner didn’t recognize it. Great work and very enjoyable vid!!

  2. You seem to find yards that have a large over growth in the streets or covering the sidewalks… favorite part to watch. It really is hard work at times. Have you looked into different manual sod cutters? I see several possibilities on Amazon that I can send to an email address if you want me to……..Keep up the great work…..

  3. Do the homeowners know HOW MUCH MONEY you are making off of their property being filmed?
    I used to think these were great gesture videos, but you and other YouTubers have racked up several "views" which will result a BIG payment to you alone.
    Yes, this covers the gas and the labor, but are you being 100 % honest with people? The property owner? The viewers?
    You are making money off of poor people, and for this lack of transparency, I can no longer watch.
    Actually, I think these poor people that you target should get lawyers, because if they knew how much money you and other YouTubers were making, they would be disgusted.

  4. Oh man! Power washing that patio and sidewalk would have been epic! But otherwise this turned out incredibly gorgeous 😍 whoop 🙌 nice 👌 job sir👍

  5. You should give lessons in correct way to weed eat. You are a master pro. I can’t brad enough ! Fantastic

  6. Brian, you are so unbelievably strong! I cracked up when you moved the blue sofa, like it was a feather!

  7. That deer was so intent on watching you he did not move a muscle. What kind of grass was growing in this back yard? The tall clumping grass.

  8. Can't remember who it was made in Blade but somebody was sued for mowing the property and cleaning it up without their permission. What is wrong with people they weren't displeased with it they just saw a chance to sue. And guess what in this great USA they won. It's sickening

  9. You are doing amazing work glad that you are able to help so many people out and i know that everyone appreciates it.

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