Gardening Supplies

Gilmour Rectangular Oscillating Sprinkler Review | Gardening Products Review

Video review of the Gilmour Rectangular (oscillating) Sprinkler with on/off switch. I cover the pros, cons and features to help you choose the best sprinkler for your yard.

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I go over the features of the Gilmour Rectangular Sprinkler with on/off switch and flow control.

• What it’s made of, quality and ease of use
• The adjustable parts and how they work
• Situations in which it works well and conditions in which it’s not as good
• Some limitations that all oscillating sprinklers have


The Gilmour Rectangular Sprinkler is available in three different versions:
• Heavy duty with on/off switch (the one we reviewed):
• Medium Duty Standard:
• Medium Duty with on/off switch:

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  1. We had a Nelson triple spray that after years of use finally quit working so we replaced it with this one because it looked similar in adjustability. The Nelson had three levels of spray settings and two levers on the one end which allowed you to pretty much put water exactly where you wanted.
    At first glance the Gilmore looked like it might do the same thing but that is not the case. Say you want to set the sprinkler right next to a sidewalk and have it spray in a 90 degree angle towards the grass.
    On the Nelson that was easy, on the Gilmore not so much.
    The Gilmore has the two sliders so one should go straight up and the other should be set all the way the other way, you then rotate the whole collar so that just that area should get water. The problem, at least with mine is that, as the sprinkler osillates, the main collar also rotates and it sprays all over the place. Granted if the collar didn't move it might work but even on the Gilmore site there never is a good explanation of how it should work. For the longest time I thought I was doing something wrong and have gotten soaked more than once trying to figure out why someone would make something this useless.
    Don't buy this.

  2. Nice review: Horrible, difficult to adjust, over-engineered sprinkler that costs too much and delivers poor coverage.

  3. The reviewer should have actually shown the sprinkler running and reviewed how POORLY the oscillation control works. When I first used mine with the oscillation controls at full separation, it seemed to work fine, but when I started trying to use it to water only a portion of the garden, it either would oscillate in the wrong direction, or not at all.

  4. Very bad product. Not user friendly. Must be made in China. Works OK on left side. Hangs up, at horizontal, on right side for about 40 seconds before trying to return to the left side.

  5. I was hoping I could use it to water my small lawn from just one spot, but the rain gauge test decided it.

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