Container Gardening


#gardening #containers #theprolificfamilystead #grow #homestead #lettuce #farmer #homesteader #spinach #mustardgreens #carrots #container #gardening #organic #topsoil #patio #balcony #prepping #growing #collards #planting #vegetables

Container garden for your patio. Container gardening for apartment. Planting fall and winter garden. Planting fall and winter vegetables. Planting crops for fall harvest. Conatiner gardening for small space. Balcony or patio garden. Growing in containers for small spaces. How to garden in limited space. Prepping for fall garden. The Prolific FamilyStead


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  1. Top soil is dead soil, no nutrients in it at all, its good to fill holes and not to grow in. I think that lettuce is planted too deep- You water soil before you plant them, so that the soil is moist and won't wash the seeds away .you sprinkle seeds and lightly sprinkle a little soil on top, just to cover them- but watering is gonna sink the seeds down further. Lettuce doesn't need all that room- their roots dont get deep- 3inches is all they need of soil.Home depot/lowes- flat cement mix containers for like $5 would grow all the lettuce you would need.

  2. I think it's It's kinda too late for okra they like really hot weather. We are harvesting okra now

  3. Hi, I'm watching your video now and I am enjoying the content! I like how you incorporate the prices of what your are using as well as the information on seeds!

    If I can make a suggestion, the words on the screens in the borders is too distracting. You have 'prolific familystead' written 3 times in the top corner and you have it in a circle in the bottom corner, along with something else in the 3rd corner, all on during the entire video. To me, It's really distracting to my eyes when looking at whatever your content is. And that flashing, dancing subscribe hot dog looking thing that randomly pops into the upper right corner bothers me 😔 it makes me want to look away from the screen.

    I really like your content otherwise! I don't know if I'm in the minority or not so please take what I say with a grain of salt if you feel different! Thank you for putting out free content for the masses to watch, it's so inspiring to me because I'm hoping to start a container garden very soon!

  4. I recommend looking into lettuces that you can cut and come again and harvest. there's a lot more nutrients in them than iceberg that you have to wait forever on to make on head of lettuce.

    Also a note on your broadfolk technique… the point of it is not to overturn the soil. its just to open it up a little to help preseve soil microbes and worms.
    Ive only had okra fried. I can take it or leave it. Ive seen a lot of people seasoning them and dehydrating them and making them into chips this year. Sounds yummy! I'd definitely use them in soups or dehydate and make into a powder. supposed to be really good for your gut.
    I look forward to seeing how your containers turn out. 🙂

  5. Love okra and grow two types of okra. Have a okra recipe on my channel too!

    Want to collaborate and make a video on chilli or okra? Let me know

  6. Another awesome video, keep it up bro! Definitely like the container garden idea you got, and good looking out on the iceberg lettuce. I forgot to plant some lol

  7. Blocking { prolific family logos and sun symbol } 75% of the view screen will turn people off and will prevent your great videos from gaining support and numbers. It is like smearing jelly on your glasses.

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