@Kaye Kittrell

Kaye Kittrell: AMERICA BLEEDS OUT! Death Spiral!

#railstrike #economiccollapse #latebloomer
AMERICA BLEEDS OUT! Death Spiral! covers the imminent economic and safety issues facing us. Please share.

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Music by Epidemic Sound.

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  1. Sorry it's so dark in this video. Not much light coming in the window. GOOD NEWS, the rail strike may be averted with a tentative agreement. That's a huge relief!

  2. Gosh sweetie you're most certainly unequivocally precisely spot on correct!!!! I found absolutely nothing in your intier video to be in the least bit problematic or incorrect!!!!! And most certainly not for the lack of listening intently to each and every word!!!! So I must say thank you so very very much from the bottom of my heart and soul for your intelligence gathering capabilities and sharing said amongst us all!!! However I doubt you could ever possibly get through the iron curtain of vast ignorance deceit and the ever increasing corruption we have in this once great nation under God that happens at the moment to be spiraling at an ever increasing hyper velocity into an abiss of starvation murder pestilence and war!!! But on the other hand believe we so need many and numerous more videos from you and so dearly hope and pray you'll be so kind as to please continue your efforts in bringing us said videos!!!! May God bless and please indever to persevere sweetheart!!! Again thank you!!!

  3. Americans will suffer for all the pain and murder they inflicted on other nations. God's punishment is total. He does not forget the acts of evil doers even when they do.

  4. Reality that's only for the Brave and Intelligent:

    Jeremiah 17:9
    9. "The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?"
    That is, we lie to ourselves on a regular bases and only those that know this fact can have a "Chance" to be honest with ourselves and see what it what!

    Satan is making his End Times "Move".
    He's assigned to sort of Win for a while until the 2nd Coming!
    Daniel 7:25- " 25And he will [aa]speak against the Most High and WEAR DOWN the Saints of the Highest One,
    and he will intend to make alterations in times and in law; and they will be handed over to him for a time, times, and half a time. ("Time" = one year; "Times = 2 years; Half a Time = 1/2 yerar or 6 months = 3.5 years total or the Second-half of the 7 year long Tribulation period)!

    What's his Goal?
    He hates everything God made.
    He wishes to end it and what can't be ended must be Changed!
    Redeemed (aka: Jewish and Christian Born Again saints) will eventually Judge the Fallen Angels and such and then will Rule (Under Christ) this World and perhaps more!
    One of many Goals:
    1. Kill or change Humanity from the qualifing for Christ's Redemption.
    2. Ruin the Ecosystem that God set-up!
    All that we see that is aberrant today is towards the Distruction of God's creation, plan and Humanity.
    Satan gets to have his ''Hour" and this that we now see is its Beginnings!
    Every day, this World gets Uglier and you ain't seen nothing yet!

    In case you Americans (as I am also) haven't figured it out yet:
    Our so called Leaders are dragging us into a deepening Hole in which they intend to Jump out of before the SHTF!
    We are alll only Riders on a Bus headed for a unfinished "Bridge to Nowhere" and speeding too fast for us to Get-off.
    We're so easily distracted and so following the TV Media, Hollywood and Washington as Judas-goats, we go to the Slaughter!

  5. I am impressed with your grasp on the world situation. Most people are zombies just doing everything like they always have. I am 66 YO, live alone on a ranch in NW ND and hardly ever need to go to town. I've been preparing for this since the 80s and am pretty well set. I've been processing my garden produce too and enjoy have the deep freezes and the cupboards full of food. I've got 3 mules and a mare for work and transportation. Chickens for eggs and butchering, lots of wildlife (so many I have trouble with the moose, deer and grouse in my fruit trees) and six 2,000-bushel grain bins with enough oats, wheat and firewood to last me for years. The LORD has been good to me.

  6. This climate change agender is not going to fix what this planet is going through, when mankind is waring all over the world, and this situation is just getting worse with the war in Ukraine, and threats of Nuclear war.

  7. And in the seventh vision I saw the total Destruction of USA. wmb. jeffersonville.1933. right after the woman President in usa. wmb.jefforsonville.1933.

  8. what a whack job. migrants built america. apparently she is hinting its the fault of jewish cabal (anti semite)… warren buffet says never bet against america but hey maybe she is smarter than him…classic tucker carleson.. she is bashing chicago but she is from LA ? please!!… also you dont bring inflation DOWN by printing more money you do it by raising rates and buying bonds!!…and trump made more executive orders than any president . ever… what a waste of a video

  9. Sorry sleep heads, this is not about Russia, this has been coming for 40 years since our leaders agreed to be controlled by the United Nations, so you have to look at the big picture to understand where we are being taken, beginning with the WEFs Climate Change scam is being promoted by the Company we know as the once respected "United Nations" not for the past 40 years since embarking on the Lima Agreements, who has been lying to us all, Here are a few predictions about the Arctic from the "experts." DR JAMES HANSEN: "By 2013 or 2018 the Arctic will be free of sea ice in the summer." AL GORE: "Polar ice caps could be gone by the summer of 2014." PETER WADHAMS: "By 2017 or 2018 the Arctic will be free of ice." PROF-TIM FLANNERY: "Just imagine yourself in a world 5 years from now (2018), when there is no more ice over the Arctic." Today, after just coming out of an N. There is 6 million sq. km of Arctic sea ice in the Northern Hemisphere summer, more than in 2020, 2019, 2018 & 2012. and all our United Nations Council and Government puppets pushing the Climate Change scam, since they betrayed the Australian people 30 years ago agreeing to be governed by the UN and implementing the UN agenda 21 onto the Australian people, we keep voting for the 2 UN government parties and expect things to get better, while we are governed by the United Nations like the other 170 countries whose leaders betrayed their citizens by pledging to implement all UN agendas onto their citizens, the UN agenda 2030 for global government by 2030, is working very well indeed, pushing the Climate Change scam to create Global energy crises, next it will be food shortages because UN Global Governments are working against privately farmers to get them off their farms, like the UNs Dutch Governments, legislating the farmers of their farms, then buying u the farms, slaughtering all the livestock, and leave the food crops to rot, turning the farmers over to nature, that disgusting UN Government practice is pure UN agenda 21, read about it on the UN website. Why has Globalist Bill Gates bought up more farmland in the USA but doesn’t produce food? For the WEFs Company you know as the UN Global Governments (yes that’s YOUR Government) to create a food shortage they MUST remove private Farmers, Control the food control the Sheeple.

  10. – Slow Sell stage

    – Denial stage

    – Panic stage

    – Capitulation stage

    – Foreclosures stage

    – And finally, the Meltdown stage

    Count down to Real Estate CRASH.

  11. I see worldwide economic depression/collapse as well as the breakup of NATO by 2025 due to losses and the WEF aka Zionist worldwide psychotic anti-human agenda.

  12. I've noticed that people in the know are getting duel citizenship visas. That should tell you something.

  13. The lawlessness has been coming for a long long time…..this is going to be like those futuristic movies, where the poor will attack and rob everyone else for survival. The riots that are so common will take over, and businesses will close up. There will be no way to get food, as the shops keep getting robbed. The economy is going to be the worst ever. Forget all about 1929.

  14. US threatening the security of its biggest creditor, China. Are we living in a real world?

  15. I guess fearmongering is fun. Get out of your hole and hollow. Not once did i hear this person say this is biblical. This is going to happen but you don't know when. YOU ARE NOT GOD. this is what happens when certain people don't get all they want when they want it. Stop whining.

  16. America and all Americans are guilty of destroying their own country, by voting for someone with dementia and having to be governed by a secret unelected quango, that does not have the American peoples interests at heart. You reap what you sow, and deserve what you have voted for.

  17. "Bumpy ride" not "bumpy night." And "read between the lines" not "through the lines." How is gold and silver going to help you wnen you're starving? Doesn't make sense to me, especially since the Bible says people will be throwing it in the street because it will be worthless. Great information by the way. Thank you. Just subscribed

  18. A government run by executive order, is a dick-tator ship; not a democracy, and the traitors, in our government, wanna be Dick-Tators, like Biden, when, without consultation with our congress, he ordered the oil pipe line abandoned. He also dick-tated the perpetual violation of our border LAWS, without consultation with our Congress. Why isn't he, or it being prosecuted for being a dick-tator?

  19. America is finished. You don't have to be a rocket scientist to know this fact. In the next 20 decades, you won't know the United States from Mexico.

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