Edible Gardening


Welcome to my allotment gardening channel. My name is Emma and these vlogs are my allotment diaries. This is my second year on my plot. I’m learning as I go and would love for you to follow my journey by SUBSCRIBING to my channel!

GROW A PUMPKIN ARCH: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BOaCkQYhI7M




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BLOG: http://www.thepinkshed.co.uk

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  1. Sad about your sweetcorn after all your efforts. Some people put socks over the fruit to protect it from all the possible culprits that may steal it. Good pumpkins.

  2. Something ate all our sweetcorn and we had loads. Only managed to harvest a few before they were 'got'. Pretty much everyone on our allotment site seems to be suffering from the same problem!

  3. Could be mice or rats eating your sweetcorn, rats are common on allotments and they love sweet corn.

  4. Emma, my cat was munching a spider the other day then later that night I was flipping about on the sofa when something caught my eye and another huge one was crawling over my leg. I jumped up clearing the cat and was yelling and flapping around as didn’t know if it was still on me then it crawled out from under the sofa and off under the telly table. The cat ate it in the night as there was remnants the morning after! Good cat! It was so horrible tho

  5. All our sweetcorn got decimated! Our neighbours think it's a badger as apparently theirs was destroyed a few years ago too so they never tried again… I think we'll also not do them again. Sad times – the sweetcorn was our replacement for our pumpkins that died from the heatwave.

  6. Could it be badgers eating your sweetcorn? We have them on our allotment and they only go for the sweetcorn nothing else.

  7. Emma something strange happened to my sweetcorn today too when I went to see the plot. Half of it had been knocked over! I didn’t know if it was cats, foxes, badgers or squirrels?! Think we need wildlife cameras to see who the culprits are x

  8. Not sure about your weather but I recently asked my dad when I should plant corn. He was a farmer he said March or april for my area and he said the corn seed will grown when the soil warms and goal should be knee high by July. Hope that helps. I plan on growing some next year. I’m impressed how much yours grew in such a small time. I only got two pumpkins this year and one of them a bunny or squirrel ate. I plan on letting my grandson cut the one down off my arch. I think I started them a little late.

  9. My arches went a little rusty near the base, but I do have the salt air to compete with. Going to make some out of wood for next year. Took all the pumpkins off and left the vine ready to take down but still getting new flowers on!

  10. Hiya Emma Thankyou for a visit with you today. Guess it’s the time at the plot when most plans look towards fixing up structures, painting, water catch projects etc. Enjoy your pumpkin harvest well done. Blessings luv Ontario Canada 🐝🇨🇦

  11. Great vbideo as always grew Jack O Lantern pumpkins this year for the first time and was surprised how many i gotxx

  12. Squirrels ate all my corn last year. Those pumpkins are too cute I'm gonna try again next year to grow them. I've still got sunflowers that are still growing too.

  13. 🌽 I do stake my Sweetcorn plants as they got blown over in the wind the first year I tried growing them. Many were blown flat, but I picked them up and staked them that year, and they grew corn no problem. So your bent ones might well be okay too. But they do seem to need a bit of support, certainly where I am it can get a bit brutal with the wind blowing across them. HTH! Loved the 🎃 haul! 😍

  14. Look like rats emma to me. I eenclose mine in smdll gauge chicken wire to keep badgers foxs out and try to keep the rats out. We also at our alloment get pestered by munk jack deer which nice as there will s off and strip tour beds out

  15. Squirrels, rats, magpies…you name it…love sweetcorn as much as we do. There is a very easy remedy. Put old socks, even paper bags over the corns to deter these critters. After many years of seeing my sweetcorn decimated, I tried the sock/paper bag method this year and got a perfect crop.

  16. My sweetcorn was a big failure this year as something (I think a mouse) ate all the silks as soon as they developed so they couldn’t germinate 😢 I had a successful year last year so will keep trying. I’m definitely going to search out those arches, I love the idea of having beans dangling from them and will give those pumpkins a try next season too. Thank you for the inspiration Emma 👍🏻

  17. Emma the pumpkins came out lovely. You have worked so hard in your garden this year and so fun to watch. You are a jewel. We got only one small pumpkin on our vine but the spaghetti squash went crazy!

  18. That is not the way to collect your pumpkins or squash You have now opened a path for disease and fungus Sorry to be negative Go do some research

  19. One way to combat squirrels is to put clear plastic bottles with the bottoms cut off over the cob.This discourages animals ,like rates etc.

  20. The archways from Wilko are great initially but will only last a season or 2. If you plant the bottoms in the ground, the ends WILL rust away. Mine did and the whole thing collapsed on me. I had roses and clematis over them and after year 2 the whole fell over. They can’t bear much weight. I was devastated. I now have a wooden pergola in its place. Fab video again Emma.👍❤️🌻🌸🐝

  21. Love this time of year too. Your sweetcorn needs protection if you can to give them a chance. Are you growing onion sets, garlic or maybe Aquadulce broad beans this year ? I'm even trying onions from seed too. Good luck xx🌻🌱🌹

  22. On the allotment our sweetcorn was destroyed, likely to be fox or badger as all were taken down and nibbled

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