Garden Plans

Fall and Winter Garden Plans, Pacific Northwest Garden Mom

Aphids, powdery mildew garden clean up, fall and winter garden plans. Thanks for joining me today! Misilla
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  1. Aphids are the worst. I had them all over some greens one year. However, they attracted many beneficial insects to the garden like ladybugs and lacewings.
     Kale is one of my favorite fall crops and so yummy after a good frost.

  2. You must be using an hd camera because even 360p looks close to 720p.Yes the insects pestilence is a never ending war,it can depress and discourage gardeners.One part milk to two parts water solution works good at killing and preventing powdery mildred.Raw milk works even better.Nice hair style

  3. Should try Brussels sprouts they like the frost can even take snow , got my seedlings growing 🙂

  4. Great video, nice harvest. I want to grow cauliflower this fall. Also, carrots, cabbage, collards.

  5. This may sound crazy Misilla, but my grandma told me to pull up all of the plants with the aphids on them and throw them into a very hot mature fire so that it doesn't smother the fire out and burn them. Then add the ash from that fire once it burns down to the beds that had the aphids and you will never have them there again. I do not know if it is just a coincidence or a fact but I have not had aphids since in those beds but have had them in the beds where I didn't add the ash. I have since added aphid ash to all of my raised beds and not had them again.

  6. That is a pretty basket of produce! Tough business with the mildew and aphids. In the Pacific Northwest, fall gardening can be so rewarding! I've had great luck with collards lasting all winter, even better than kale, which is great, too.

  7. Nice reminder to start things for fall! With kale I wouldn't worry at all in your area. I have kale overwintering in -20F with a few inches of leaves for mulch.

  8. Beautiful Misilla! I especially loved you sharing that you have noticed a lot of BEES in your garden! That is wonderful news! I am happy they have found a safe haven among your Garden to pollinate 😀

  9. Misilla, you should be feeding the Honey Bee's  – rumor has it they are becoming extinct,  Just put out a shallow pan of sugar water — they'll love it — plus they are very beneficial to the Garden … 🙂 Thanks – I really enjoy your videos..

  10. LOL ! I'm hard of hearing and kept hearing chickens . I have chickens , and I thought
    " how the heck did they get out ? " . I was looking around the front yard ,no chickens. : )  thanks for the info .

  11. Hi! Any update in the turmeric?  When would it be a good time to plant and how long before harvesting?  Thanks for your videos.

  12. Hey there! Im gardening in the Pacific NW too and I've started reading this book called Growing vegetables West of the Cascades by Steve Solomon. Im not sure where in the NW you are but the book talks about a soil dwelling pest called symphlans. Have you heard of them? I haven't encountered them but I'm curious about them and how people deal with them if they occur.

  13. I enjoyed your video I noticed how well your beans did in your garden I grow beans about every year but it seems that I don,t get very many on the vine I allways sow them about the end of April I allways add compost before I sow I live in zone 7b north east Oklahoma I know that when the temps get up above the 90s thay don,t put on very well so what do you think I could do to increase my yield

  14. spray some neem oil on the plants, it either will kill the insects or repel them because of the bitterness of the oil

  15. You REALLY need ladybugs! We order them in, but make 'ladybug houses' (hollow stumps in warm places) to help encourage them to stick around.

  16. watching from fargo North Dakota usa , just looking around for a good place to grow a house garden my philappina wife dont like snow.

  17. I'm around Vancouver and trying to figure out what to plant in November. Thank you for your vid!

  18. I live in Southern Oregon and was wondering if November is too early or late to start something in the garden. I have raised beds and hoops I can wrap pool bubble wrap around them to retain heat. Any help out there?

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