Vegetable Gardening

Meal 100% Foraged from the Land – 15 Ingredients

To make this DELICIOUS meal I foraged every single one of these 15 ingredients from the land!

Ingredients: wild rice, venison, bullhead (like catfish), maitake mushroom, apples, autumn berries, stinging nettle, wild onion, chives, ramps, bee balm, mustard seed, carrot seed, evening primrose seed and sea salt

Rob Greenfield’s work is Creative Commons and this content is free to be republished and redistributed, following the terms of the creative commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 license. Learn about Creative Commons and see the guidelines here:

Rob Greenfield is an activist and humanitarian dedicated to leading the way to a more sustainable and just world. He embarks on extreme projects to bring attention to important global issues and inspire positive change. 100% of his media income is donated to grassroots nonprofits.
His YouTube channel is a source to educate, inspire and help others to live more sustainable, equal and just lives. Videos frequently cover sustainable living, simple living, growing your own food, gardening, self-sufficiency, minimalism, off the grid living, zero waste, living in a tiny house and permaculture.

Find Rob Greenfield on:
Instagram: @RobJGreenfield
Twitter: @RobJGreenfield


  1. Mmmm, we used to pick wild onions as kids and pickle them.
    I hope the deer was sufficiently fresh, but I trust you know what you're doing. God bless you!
    Seeing a lot more ppl out there doing what you've been doing. Way to inspire ppl Rob!

  2. Sorry the political machine is trying to keep people from being like you. I do like eating free food that wasn’t cultivated. Keep being an inspiration. I wish less people were bogged down with a nine to five and could be in the sun

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