Container Gardening

Garden Tour Growing Vegetables TONS, Growing Plants & Seeds Container Gardening Elevated Raised Bed

See How to Grow in Raised Garden Bed & Container Gardening using Tulle to protect our plants and produce. How to Protect your Vegetables, Cheap & EASY Tulle protect seedlings, Container Garden, small spaces, patio garden, fruit trees, Papayas, kale, lettuce, tomatoes, Vegetables, flowers and in the ground plants. Spring going strong, cold nights but many plants are doing great, soon others will start to come up.

Best Price I have found for TULLE. This is TULLE that Great Fabric SO CHEAP and last years outside here, here is an aff. link to check out, many colors, I usually get one of the greens, but any color will work great:

Here are the SAME Solar Fountain Kits I buy for our Yard and this is an affiliated/aff. link to the company:


Here is a Company that I buy from for tubing for the SOLAR FOUNTAIN Kits, this is an aff. link to their site, the size I get is (5/16″ ID x 7/16″ OD) which this aff. link will take you right to:

Soldering Iron works for making holes in buckets and totes, this is an aff. link to someone I have purchased a soldering iron from:

Video of Fountain with No Solar Pump used:

This is a pump that works off a Power Bank unit, (like a phone Charger) no solar needed:

Life SAVER Helps Me GROW Lots of Garden Vegetables. Fruit, Plants & Seeds Container Gardening w/TULLE


  1. Hey Robbie I read about a woman who turned summer squash into flour by grating it up and then dehydrating it. She used the flour like coconut flour. It took about 5 pounds of summer squash to make a cup of flour but this might be something to keep in mind with any to big squash.

  2. I want gardens like yours!!! Wow! So impressive! I know it’s tons of work though. It’s worth it when you see such impressive results as you have! Just loved your tour!🦋

  3. We are in extreme dessert drought in Utah, i would not use the grow bags. Climate has changed here too. We get wind almost all the time now, especially in evenings and nights that we rarely got before 8 or 10 years ago.

  4. I love how many flowers you’ve added in the bird garden! So beautiful! The truck bed looks great! I didn’t like grow bags either, I’m doing a lot of totes like you this year. Wow! You sure are busy! Have fun! 🌸🌱🌱🌱🫑🌶🍅😃

  5. when kale or anything grows so tall or leggy , I know we can keep cutting and eating , but what would happen if I level it down to the dirt so to still cut and come again with a small plant ,will it die ?

  6. Hi, Robbie! Your garden is wonderful and inspiring. I went away last weekend and was worried about my young plants getting dried out so I googled solutions for keeping plants hydrated when you can’t water daily. I found a bunch of YouTube’s on wicking systems for grow bags. Basically you’re just putting the grow bag plants in buckets, containers or even kiddie pools and filling them up about 3+ inches. The grow bags wick up what the plants need. This system can work up to a week.

    I’m starting off small with my container garden. Just transplanted 5 squash plants into a few totes along with some celery and tomatoes. I’ll probably have to move a few of the squash out to more totes before they get too big. Mine had a lot of buds on them too, so I pinched most of them off so the roots can get established. I hope they do okay! Thank you so much for all you do to teach us how to garden in totes and other containers. I’m learning so much and I’m so inspired! I live in Coastal Georgia.

    Who do you get your purple collard trees, kale trees and regular collard trees? I want to get a couple to see how they do here in Southeast Georgia.

  7. May walking onions are popping out baby onions!!🧅💖😊👍Thank you Robbie for your inspiration and knowledge you have taught me so so much!!🐾🐾🥦💖🧅🥒🌱🍅🌶️🥦🥬🍆🍓🌹love you both so much❣️Hugs from your friend in Pennsylvania. God bless you both. Give Kitty a hug from me too🐾🐾🥦🥦🥦❣️

  8. I have grow bags I was unhappy with so I got some aluminum roast pans big enough to fit under them. I put holes about 1.5 to 2 inches up on the roast pan so it wouldn't hold too much water. It works and is a quick fix.

  9. Robbie you always cheer me up and inspire me to get out and work on my organic no dig cottage garden and awesome totes on chairs garden. I absolutely love sitting in a chair and looking at tiny sprouts at eye level.🥰😃🌹🌿🌹🍓🍇🍍🍉🫐🍋 I can't thank you enough for teaching this marvelous method of planting. I have fruits, veggies and flowers at various stages of growth. Big happy sigh😊
    Lots of love,
    Ms Pat from southern Indiana 🌹🌿❤️

  10. I’m sure the deer are finding it harder to find food & especially water in this drought. Maybe give them a water station at the edge of the property where they come in if that’s possible? They might leave your ponds & water fountains alone. I put put water dishes out for squirrels and rabbits or they drown in my large horse water tanks trying to get water. We have no deer where I’m at in Riverside. All that weed abatement is probably eliminating the deers & critters food source. I’m sure one day they will be gone, like the rest of wildlife. We have lost 60% or more of wildlife, globally, or so I’ve read. Thanks for helping them survive. I always enjoy the critters in your videos, you get some great pics. Try and enjoy them while they last!

  11. i would like you to travel over to my channel where i put up my first outdoor garden in totes, thanks to you…i sprinkled seeds willie nille and our temps in nrth calf are high 70*'s now. thanks for the inspiration and i placed worms on the bottom of each large container, i am starting my own composting also and yeah im feellllling good. THANK YOU AGAIN!!!

  12. Wow, thanks for the tour! There is so much going on in your gardens, it's amazing 🙂
    Some of your other videos inspired me to install an electric fountain on my patio for the birds (we have quite a bit of shade), and while watching this video I went ahead and ordered 2 solar pumps (1 for me and 1 for my mom, who has quite a sunny property).
    I appreciate all your creativity and positivity, keep it up!

  13. Robbie & Gary – Did you buy those pvc chairs in those colors? And those colored 5 gallon buckets? I love love the colors! Did you paint them? If so, may I ask, what kind of paint?

  14. Hi Guys! I have tomatoes growing everywhere from old tomatoes that were in my compost it so cool to see so much growing thanks Robbie for all your enthusiasm and inspiration that you give us all. God bless you both. Love you all so much and Kitty too! Thank you for inspiring me to grow things out side my comfort zone like cabbages tree collard kale onions and potatoes. I just love watching it all grow. Hugs from your friend in Pennsylvania.🐾🐾🌻🌱🍅🥦🥬🍆🍓🧅🥒🌻🌹

  15. Thanks for your latest tour….I really enjoyed seeing everything you are doing.

    For veggies that winter-over, consider Swiss Chard. In my zone (6b/7a) I am able to winter-over Swiss Chard in my polycarb greenhouse. I don't water it much and it continues to grow (slowly) so we can harvest throughout Winter. Then in very late Winter, I start to water again and it begins growing for further harvesting. If left alone, it will then bolt, giving me gads of seeds by June.

  16. Hi Robby you have a hibiscus plant known as Jamaica to prepare tea. I would like to know the due care 🥰👋

  17. Hello I loved the videos
    that you do In theGarden I'm 43 I have had 3 strokes and broke my arm the tote garding makes it easy for me to do in my w/c so thank you for your videos Tara b

  18. Robbie your garden is looking good, you have been busy working in your garden, thank you for all the tips.

  19. I collect the high-legged plastic sinks that are put in the laundry and people throw them away, I have painted them with paint that they donate in recycle, some of them my husband cut them so that they are not too deep and it looks fantastic, too bad it cannot be done put photos.

  20. I gave up on growing in grow bags too! I repurpose them and find that they're useful for things like holding straw that I use for mulching or when I'm digging up clay/rock (I'm making a cobb oven) they hold the clay til I can use it. I use them in the garage to organize things or as tool bags for towing around the yard. I used a gazebo last year and attached it to our trailer on one side (blocks high winds) as an open air "potting shed" and was amazed at how plants can get off to a good start underneath especially when we get torrential rain and wind. It was damaged in a snowstorm, lol so we build one out of heavy duty steel to fit a standard size tarp that won't blow away and can easily be replaced if needed. I love that I can roll my carts through to move plants or whatever. Love watching your ever evolving gardening hacks! I'll be looking into your solar fountains next!

  21. I always get some fantastic ideas from you Bobby. I can't find the lawn chairs that are affordable. Spanning the distance with wood between two chairs genius I don't know why I didn't think of it myself.

  22. You can use Walmart bags as totes…the ones you buy not the plastic….and put in a tote or kiddie pool with water on bottom people are growing veggies big time.

  23. use the shallow tub for ginger, they grow sideway rather than down… I think you mention that in your previous videos.

  24. I have heard u mention how celery can spread like wild flowers , I only hope mine gets started and spreads . I'm regrowing store bought , everywhere . I juice it every morning, I can't get enough lol. It helps me keep my sodium up naturally

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