Edible Gardening

Foraging Walk in Central Park, NYC. Food is Growing EVERYWHERE!

Can you find food and medicine growing in your city? Rob Greenfield’s answer… YES!
To show you, he led a foraging walk in Central Park, in the heart of New York City, one of the most urban cities in the United States. Here he found food and medicine growing at every step.

In this video Rob introduces you to approximately 10 common edible and medicinal plants and shares tips on how to get started foraging and overcome the anxiety and fear, foraging safety, ethical foraging and how to become a plant wizard!

For one month Rob Greenfield foraged 100% of his food, over 100 different foods from the land. At the same time he traveled from city to city, leading foraging walks connecting helping to reconnect his Dear Friend with Earth. We recorded this plant walk in Central Park for YOU!

Inspired to learn the foods and medicines growing freely and abundantly around you?
See Rob’s foraging guide for beginners: https://robgreenfield.org/foraging
(For links to all resources mentioned in this plant walk, see the above link).
Get Rob’s new book, Food Freedom: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/food-freedom-book
Find a Forager near you: https://robgreenfield.org/findaforager

autumnberry 17:59
mulberry 22:00
lamb’s quarter 22:50
goldenrod 29:40
poke 34:05
dandelion 39:00
Plantago/ plantain 41:45
burdock 48:20
wood sorrel/ oxalis 52:50
mugwort 57:37
hawthorne 1:00:40
violet 1:02:50
smartweed 1:05:15
mulberry 1:08:00

Rob Greenfield’s work is Creative Commons and this content is free to be republished and redistributed, following the terms of the creative commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 license. Learn about Creative Commons and see the guidelines here: http://www.creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0

Rob Greenfield is an activist and humanitarian dedicated to leading the way to a more sustainable and just world. He embarks on extreme projects to bring attention to important global issues and inspire positive change. 100% of his media income is donated to grassroots nonprofits.
His YouTube channel is a source to educate, inspire and help others to live more sustainable, equal and just lives. Videos frequently cover sustainable living, simple living, growing your own food, gardening, self-sufficiency, minimalism, off the grid living, zero waste, living in a tiny house and permaculture.

Find Rob Greenfield on:
Website: https://www.RobGreenfield.org
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/RobJGreenfield @RobJGreenfield
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RobGreenfield
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/RobGreenfield
Twitter: https://twitter.com/RobJGreenfield @RobJGreenfield


  1. You've never eaten burdock shoots? Wow, it's one of my favorite spring veggies (although it does stain your fingers when you peel it). I've been eating it since I first started foraging so I didn't realize advanced folks wouldn't necessarily know it.

  2. I Love how he is inclusive of indigenous people in his considerations.💚🙏🏽

  3. Hi foraging comunity:) It is so nice you studing nature around. Usulay I just pick mushrooms from forest. But this sommer I harvest a lot of Cornelian cherries, it is my favorit cherrie. They need to be realy ripe falen under the tree to become soft, sweet and tasty. They have so unic flavor:) This year I also found young mulberry tree growing between stone fence and path over the river Limmat. Probably some birth seed it there by poop the seed to right place 🙂 Btw: pesticides(fungycides, herbicides, insekticides and many more)

  4. Absolutely love learning from you. Your enthusiasm about the plant friends makes my soul happy. I love that you include the ethics of foraging in your videos and your talks. I also love that you introduce the plants as friends rather than simply a commodity to be used. Wonderful video! Thank you for sharing

  5. I live off of 5th Ave if you would like we can meet up I actually want to learn from you I'm going out and adventure. Only living off the land

  6. Excellent point about the USDA connection to evil corp Monsanto Rob. Theres a film called "The World According to Monsanto" that explains this well if anyone is interested.

  7. rob can you please do more of these foraging episode specifically? I think they're truly invaluable. I've re watched this several times and saved it too

  8. Great job, Rob! You've learned a lot in a short time. I've been learning about edible plants for a half century, and I find that there's always more to learn. Smartweed/ladyfinger was a new one to me. I've seen it, so now I'll have to try it.

  9. Thank you! This was really great and have only recently learned that what my Big Mama taught me about picking up food in the wild is called foraging. 😊 Been teaching my kids on our little neighborhood walks for years. It was so cool to see you talk about plants that I’ve been nibbling on during my walks. Stay blessed! 💚

  10. Lambs quarters is part of the goose fit family. Actually related to spinach beets chard and amaranth/quinoa

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