Container Gardening

EarthBox & Self-Watering Container Gardening, 10% Discount Code 7HPF12. This code expires on May 19, 2012. You can also use discount code M-PAS when ordering online to get a free replanting kit. In just minutes I setup my new EarthBox and connected it to my Off-Grid Self-Watering system. It could not have been easier. When you buy the complete Earthbox kit everything you need to start gardening is included except your plants and water. If you are looking for a fast and easy way to start gardening or if all the bending over, digging, hauling and work of a traditional raised garden bed or gardening in the ground is wearing your out you should take a look at the EarthBox.

– LDS Prepper PREMIUM Plant Micro-Nutrient Mix:
– LDS Prepper Premium Plant Micro Nutrients
– Mittleider Gardening Course Book
– Heirloom Garden Seeds
– Berkey Water Filters
– Off-Grid Portable Solar Generator


  1. I bought two Earthboxes about ten years ago, and I don't rememer it included anything but the boxes, the tubes and an one sheet typewritten instruction diagram. Planted 4 tomato plants, got a SINGLE tomato, as in one. Looks like the company has come a long way! Good luck with your Earthboxes!

  2. Thanks, I enjoy your videos, this looks so easy, I really like both the bucket and hope oder the EarthBox really soon.

  3. you will really enjoy the earthbox's ! , the best part for me is no disease or blight issues like I see in my garden…I had an issue with them staying too wet during the early season(before the heat of summer kicked in)and Tomatoes being kinda droopy. So I have been adding pearlite to the mix to help them drain and cycle faster. good luck with the garden , it's looking good

  4. @AnnBearForFreedomThey have different kits, you can get just the main box components , or the complete kit with soil and fertilizer. They also have an "organic" kit now that includes organic fertilizer.

  5. @AReptileMan The holes could actually be much larger and the potting mix would still not fall through. Since the potting mix is moist it holds together so it doesn't fall through.

  6. I started using homemade earthboxes about 3 years ago. I have thoroughly enjoy growing in them. Last fall we moved and we were able to move our garden with us. If thing go right this year we will be using 35 homemade earthboxes for our garden.

  7. I'm a brand spanking new prepper. So glad I came across your videos! I've practically been glued to my computer over the last 2 days watching all of your fabulously informative videos when I can. Now that you know what you know about gardening…If you had to do it all over again would you still plant the raised beds or would you just do the self-watering contatiner system? Appreciate all you do and your response. Thanks so much!

  8. Welcome and thanks for commenting. As my wife says when she sees new ways of gardening, "It's just another way of gardening." Personally I love the container system. I would not do raised garden beds. My wife, who built the raised beds, loves using them. I am all about efficiency and results. I think the self watering system does best for those criteria. The raised beds are beautiful, but expensive and a lot more work. Both work. You have to decide what works best for your situation.

  9. what did you plant in the big blue water barrel? looked like potatos? did you do a video on that I didnt see it.

  10. You are right. Potatoes. I am filming the progress of three different ways I am planting potatoes this year. I will have a final video at the end of the season.

  11. I wondered why you were concerned with soil getting in the water basin if the holes obviously allow soil to fall into the bottom? Sorry if that's a dumb question:( I enjoy and learn from your videos. Thanks!

  12. Do you think this would work with asparagus? That stuff takse 2 years or so to really grow and if I move I want to be able to take my bed with me.

  13. I think it would work great with asparagus. Great idea. It will be very heavy to move. It took four men to move mine when it had squash and peppers in it. You might consider using my "Off-Grid Self-Watering" 5 gallon bucket system. They are much easier to move and very cheap to build.

  14. I might try both. My concern on the 5 gal buckets is that what I have reas says asparagus likes a little room to sprawl out. Will take 2 years to find out I suppose. Good luck in your new year.

  15. how would you add this to the self watering system with the new selt up of the buckets that you say is the better/cheaper way

  16. You would need to drill a 7/8" hole, insert a rubber grommet and use a 1/2" tube to connect it to the other buckets.

  17. Yea I'm also wondering why go to the trouble of putting nylons on the mix if the holes on top clearly let soil through

  18. What did you do with the blue 55 gallon drum in the background? My buddy and I made a planter out of one…cut holes like you and put 2 inch pvc at a 45 in each hole…we put a 4 inch pipe in the center of the drum, drilled holes all over, filled with worms and add food scraps…

  19. I notice in the video that you show a 55 gallon blue barrel that has holes cut into it instead of the normal pockets that many folk add. I don't see a video on that build project and I was wondering how it worked out for you? Just using a hole saw is much less time consuming than heating and making pockets in these barrels, but I wandered if it had any other advantage? Do you have a build video for it and did you have success in using it like that?


  20. you took the time with nylon to keep dirt out of the water but then you dump your dirt on top of the grid with all the holes, you think no dirt will get thru those holes.

  21. I enjoyed watching your video. I created boxes with those "totes" you have for rainwater storage. I'd like to re-do them using this concept. Our totes are cut in half, so two large boxes per one tote. Could you make some recommendations for me?

  22. Use a long panty hose leg for the fertilizer also running down the center of your Earthbox.

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