Garden Design

succulents ( Fused glass) garden design ideas

#fusedglass #succulentsgardendesignideas #FusedglassTutorial
Hello fellow creative is out there Hope everybody is staying inspired so I’ve been on this kick lately of using up all of my scrap glass my original intent was just to  just share a fun quick little fuse glass ideas but now I’m on a mission I think I’m just going to make a bunch of all of those crazy ideas and do a couple of craft fairs this summer for the fun of it for the joy of it if a two-year-old hands me a sticky one dollar bill she gets a fused glass prize  have you guys ever had that happen to you at an art show I love it it’s my favorite thing



  1. yeah i go through the same thing…my wife call it procrastination….i tell her it's an artist way of working…we are simmering before work….

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