Gardening Supplies

Secret Gardening Technique to Supercharge Fruit Trees

Amazing Gardening Technique to Supercharge Fruit Trees. How to dig a hole for a fruit tree! This is what you should do before you plant your edible fruit tree to create a living soil!

Pre-Order a Tropical Fruit Tree from Shamus O’Leary Here
(pick up in September 2015):
1. Barbados Cherry Tree:
2. Longan Dragon Eye Tree:
3. Lychee Tree:
4. Loquat Tree:
5. Jaboticaba Tree:
6. Star Fruit Tree:

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Check Out & ORDER Our Gardening Supplies & Tree Food HERE:

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  1. Jake we must have the same strain of fruit tree madness, because I have been thinking about digging some holes for a few days now and here you are egging me on! 

    I have been wanting to ask you, do you get freezes at your home? I do, and I am thinking of planting some of these trees in the fall but am also considering how I will protect them when it dips below 30.

  2. Great video.  I cannot wait for the update video.  I'm up for the challenge on that barbados cherry.  

    You have inspired me to have a garden like yours.  I think I need to golf a little less, so I can spend some more money buying trees from shamus' place.

  3. Your video just reminded me to go dig some holes for my fruit trees. No excuse now for delaying it even though it is winter LOL. I like your new method  of growing fruit trees. Great video Jake!

  4. You could totally avoid the fish fertilizer,no one can make u do it if u dont beleive is correct.

  5. should have boot on in case mis the hole hit foot. but other that think get holes ready for plants is good idea. of corse other people on here go say guy swing pick ax knows make sure not hit his foot.

  6. When you click on Shamus O'Leary paypal links, it all seem the same on paypal, how would he know what tree did I purchase ?

  7. I've got azomite, the volcanic rock dust, on my land.. tons of it.. maybe a good idea to commercialize it?

  8. Good to see I have been learning about the mycorhizal fungi and how they connect up all the surrounding trees. they even transfer nutrients from dead trees to those around. Putting wallaby poo (Australia)into bottom of holes because they will most probably have beneficial spores in it. But as a vegan do you really use fish emulsion?

  9. Jake a question from some one, what are some of the reasons why some times fruit trees are not growing fruit. example comes one year of fruit, the following next year no fruit

  10. Great video thankyou very much. So did you get the biggest cherries from this Barbados Cherry tree?

  11. I have clay plus hard pan. Hard pan is only 12 inches from surface. Some say buy top soil and build a mound to plant cherry. Some say make a 4 foot hole breaking through the hard pan and fill with clay native soil. Please advise me on hard pan breaking/not breaking. Also on blend of soil. Is native soil alone ok? Or should I do mycorrhizae, peat, compost, clay combo? 🤔

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