Garden Plans

Sisters and Companion Garden Plans for 2020

Hello my garden friends and welcome to the beginning of my 2020 garden season! Sure, it seems a little early but I just want to get as much out of my short season as I can. With the 3 different approaches to the sisters or companion garden we should learns some interesting things about plant spacing. With a bit of good luck, I may even get a decent harvest in 2020!
Pink popcorn, baby pumpkins and bush beans with be the main sisters this year but I hope to add as many extra plant types as I can. It’s all going to come down to what the next few months of research have to say about companions … Here’s to hope!
Many blessings on you in the coming 2020 garden season!

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  1. I hope all your plans work out for you JT. Merry Christmas to you and your family and I hope 2020 is your best year yet.

  2. The cross-pollination appears in future generations, not the current fruit. The seeds in the current fruit will have the genetics of the parents, and if you plant those seeds the next year, you will see those crosses come through. (Which is a good thing as that means more genetics mixing to create brand new varieties that have the best chance of adapting to your area.)

  3. I grew potatoes in piles straw my last year on my old homestead. They did great! I had chicken compost on the layer underneath that to feed the potatoes.

  4. The cross pollination wonโ€™t be noticed until the next year. And you might get something really interesting. Or not.

    Can you transplant corn starts or do you have to plant corn in the garden by seeds?

  5. If you have honeybees near by they'll be thrilled with all this variety!
    Over seed the carrots. 4-5 times more than you want for the final count. Then thin as you go and enjoy baby carrots.
    Fruit trees with large seeds/pits/stones will do best.
    Apple or other fruit with small seeds don't mature well near cedars/evergreens. They have a common problem with Cedar Rust.
    They'll grow but the fruit will be pitiful.

  6. Speaking of 3 sisters, have you seen (I think it is called) 1491? In one episode they were talking about an archeological dig up around Georgian Bay, a precontact city of 10,000 Huron, with thousands and thousands of acres cleared for corn. Anyway if you want corn, plant "hills", 5-6 seeds in an 8" circle. And, Squash only crosses within it's own family. There are 5 families. All pumpkins are either Pepo or Maxima, all the others you mentioned are Pepo. With some careful planning you can grow 5 different squash and save true seed.

  7. I love what your doing ! The squash you don't have to worry about the same year but corn you do . I just got my internet up after a week and I have missed out . I missed our Wednesday chat session . Thanks for mentioning about the corn pollinating !

  8. Great video! Sounds like a good plan for the gardens. May the tears cried this year water the seeds planted next year. Take care my friend – Marcie

  9. Garden planning is always fun ๐Ÿ˜‰ … I'm interested in companion gardening too and it seems the biggest rule or maybe best benefits are with those that have shallow roots along with those that go deep .. tomato and carrot .. are a good example where as the carrots bring nitrogen and nutrients up from deeper in the soil and we know that tomatoes are hungry plants so whatever you can give them should be beneficial. Take Care my friend and wishing You and Chox and family the very best thru the holidays and 2020 ๐Ÿ˜€

  10. 2016 three sisters bunker Garden I remember the great amount of squash you harvest That season great vid JT Merry Christmas try to grow the Trinidad bean if you can

  11. It's been nice the last three days. Merry Christmas and a Happy New year. Looks like a good plan. I sure like eating out if the garden. I'm going to try growing some garlic, carrots,corn and green and purple cabbage. Have a great day.

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