Japanese Garden

Ideas For Making A Japanese Garden – A Little Help & Inspiration.

From www.turnyourgardenjapanese.com more help and inspiration if you are looking to make your own Japanese garden.

You can design a garden according to the hisoric and strict rules of Japanese gardens – a history that dates back hundreds of years Or you can design a simple ‘Japanese Style Garden’ that follows your rules and includes the ingrdeints that you would like in your garden.

Maybe stones and rocks, stone lanterns, a derr scarwer, Acers and Maples, small bushes and trees and perhaps even a water feature.

Enjoy the freedom of designing your own Japanese garden space and it really shouldn’t take you a lot of time to do once you get started.

Planning your garden is key and then with a few simple drawings on pieces of paper you can map out your garden and its ingrdients to see where they should go – it is always a good idea to edit on paper before actually building your garden.

Take a look at this video which I am sure that you will find helpful and fingers crossed inspiring at times – you have so many options and choices to make.

Good luck! For further help creating a Japanese garden at home visit our website.
#japanesegarden #gardendesign #zengardendesign

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