Vegetable Gardening

Possible freeze in Texas so soon? Protect your plants!

Looking at a possible frost or even a freeze this week in north Texas. Be sure to take precautions on your plants that will not survive either. We will keep you updated stay tuned and subscribe.


  1. One thing I have learned to be true is watching the animals and nature for the actual season changes nowadays. Like when healthy leaves fall from a tree in July or how the squirrels are insulting their nests in August? I'm kinda a weirdo like that, but it's never done me wrong.
    I've found the same thing on my channel with the subscription notifications as well.

  2. Have been struggling with sinuses draining while sleeping for the last several days and last night did several rounds of gargling hot as I can stand salt water and this morning my breathing is better and my throat isn't hurting

  3. Jill, your weather there seems so extreme. I love that you can talk about your experiences with the mother nature for es that be, but you carry on with your gardening and your farming, and you plant and harvest all that you possibly can. I know you are preserving a whole bunch, but that's a lot of produce!!! Do you sell it and give it away? I truly admire your faith, your spunk and most of all—- your ability to keep on going no matter the obstacles because you work around them and you work through them. I see perseverance throughout your garden tours and in practically every video I watch. And thank you for offering out your tips & ways to do things, news updates and prices, too, and I can't forget the recipes! Honestly, it's "Jill Does It All"!!!

  4. So my mom told me that the last time we had a long lasting hard freeze like snowmaggedon, was the year I was born (1983). So I've been trying to find data for the following years to see if there are any cyclical patterns to follow over the next few years. I can definitely remember my September birthdays being much more pleasant when I was a kid, than in recent memory. Stay warm and enjoy the rain! (NW Tarrant County)

  5. This is the season for warm peppermint tea. Why grow it we don't breath in those warm fumes? My aloe vera is coming inside today to ride out the winter. I can't believe we're already talking about covering plants for a freeze.I still haven't gotten my shade cloth down to protect them from 90 degree weather.

  6. Jill I have had to unsubscribe and then subscribe again to get video notifications. I also mark it to receive ALL notifications, and still some are not coming thru. It's happening to most of the homesteading channels I watch. We're in far west Texas and like you we will welcome all the rain we can get😊. May the Great Spirit watch over you and yours 🙏

  7. You must be more north of me in E TX I'm in wood, they're saying temps on Wednesday will still be around 47F for the low. That's on Thursday and Fri here. I hope that doesn't happen for you. So much work growing and weather has been very swinging this year. I know a couple of days ago my cantaloupe pretty much as died off over night. SO I lost about half my crop and thankfully I was still able to get 15 ripe melons. We ate one last night and it was fabulous! Best tasting melon I had in years.

  8. Virginia zone 7A. We're having five days in the low to mid 30s starting Tuesday morning. We've already had two days with mild frost last week. I still need to pull my okra and Lima beans. They've stopped producing. Probably wait till after this cold spell. I still have beets, turnips and carrots thriving. Keep Planting!!

  9. Rained a bit this morning in Parker County. Thanks for the heads up! I will be watching the weather and getting ready to move my mandarin orange tree inside.

  10. In NJ we will probably have a frost on Tuesday. Need to cover our bush beans that are just about ready to harvest in could be 7days! It definitely is an early frost but I think it’s mostly the quick switch from summer 🥵 to winter 🥶

  11. Jill we live in Johnson County. I grew some bell peppers in the grow tub you showed us how to do. Which turned out great. My question is do you think we need to go ahead and pick the bell peppers before the frost?

  12. I don't know if I would pull anything right now. I would cover everything up before the sun goes down. Just make sure everything has a deep drink the morning of the cold. Just in case this is a snap and not a spell. If you do get a freeze, and everything is covered, you will still have time to harvest. It won't ruin the stuff on the vine that fast.

  13. I'm about 185 miles north of Fort Worth. Currently, our predicted low on Tuesday is 35. Is that going to damage my sweet potatoes? I suspect that my sweet potatoes are pretty small this year,, but I don't want to waste them.

  14. I use to live up there…u sure have to have a green house..down where i am now u need on for probably about 2 to 3 weeks total ..maybe..unless a snowmageddon happens like a year ago…nothing would of saved anything.

  15. Here in Grayson County – Texoma area, we are predicted to go to 34 on Wednesday. Had about an inch and a half in rain overnight. More on the way. Ponder On Weather – POW – is forecasting that La Nina stays with us til spring. Either way, an interesting winter is on the way.

  16. How do you protect a well Jill? We have to cover our water outlets today. We,re getting it too. Well…my friends made it safely back to Ky. We had a great time. It was good to pretend things were normal for awhile. Oh..rain…we sure haven,t seen that in a long time. Going on two months now Love you all

  17. Supposed to be low of 42 tonight, then the fun. 32 monday night & 24 tues night. Earlier than our avg first frost. I think our first freeze hit before our first frost dates last yr too.

  18. Hey there! New to your channel. I'm in Rusk County & we're supposed to down to 30 Tuesday night/Wednesday morning.

    I'm pretty new to the area, only been here about a year. I look forward to watching more videos & learn more about the climate here.

  19. I'm here close to Tyler and our low is 39 degrees. You get hotter summers and colder winters than we do here if we get snow is generally gone in a day. I'm older than you and I don't think we have a normal routine weather it's always feast and famine. I remember the droughts in the 1950's where as I small child I was trying to figure out a way to get water from the creek up the hill to water our garden we have our large container garden filled with cold weather crops except for potatoes but we may have time for them yet we harvested them in Dec last year but we planted them earlier this year

  20. It's still 86 degrees here this afternoon but the front is supposed to reach us overnight tonight in the Goergetown area. Don't think this cold front is going to get that low for us we are enough south of y'all.

  21. Hi from Tyler, we have lost power again at 10 am and it’s still out. We got a pretty good rain. Getting ready for the drop.

  22. 👍I have been watching the temperatures. Went ahead and pulled the okra and prepared the bed for more root crops. Moving potted peppers and tomatoes to my makeshift high tunnel. If we do get that frost… will lose the rest of my peppers and beans. Oh well, that is how it goes in gardening. I did my best and will keep moving forward.By the way, trimming the flowers and new growth off as well as the smallest peppers, did help to ripen up the peppers on a few of my plants. Have been able to get several harvest of ripened peppers. Still quite a bit left on them.

  23. Thank you for heads up on the possible freeze in north Texas on Wednesday! I’m surely going to cover my peppers! 🤞🏽

  24. Hi, Jill. I’m just a bit north of McKinney and we are expected to see 34 degrees early Wednesday morning, like you said. I’m not yet growing much; only have one pepper plant and two grow bags with sweet potatoes (a very newbie to gardening!). I might pull them into the garage for overnight.

  25. I'm still getting zucchini. I'm not ready for this freeze, my beans are just little bitty. I guess we get what we get though. God bless.

  26. Anxious to see how your sweet taters did Jill. Our cooler temps here should arrive Monday night into Tuesday. Spent Saturday preparing and purchasing supplies for our "winter" projects, vac sealing ground beef, and reorganizing pantry storage.

  27. Hi Jill, I’m a fellow north Texan too, I moved here 14 years ago. I’m trying to figure out the does and don’t of gardening in Texas and failing a lot lol. Where do you get your grow tunnels? Also, can you tell me what it is that moves in on vines and looks like a bunch of dirt on the leaves and then almost kills the leaves and vines overnight? Neem oil didn’t help. Thanks! Julie

  28. Here in central Oklahoma, they are predicting 34 Tuesday morning and 32 Wednesday. I have canning to do tomorrow but I’ll be moving a few things into the greenhouse and covering the sweet potatoes & bush beans. The beans are a fall crop and running 2 weeks later than they should be but if we can save them from this, we should get a harvest for a few weeks. Sweet potatoes late planting too so 🙏🤞that we get something from them. One long-time gardening friend said this has been the worst year here in 40 years. We do what we can and look to spring. Thanks for all you share.

  29. The temp in the mornings where I’m at have been just few more degrees from freezing. It’s getting colder very fast here. I’ve been covering my plants with plastics creating greenhouse effects. I shall see how those veggies will do🤞Your pork roast looks wonderful🐖 God bless💕

  30. It's only going to get up to 54° here tomorrow with a low of 30°. I love fall, but I'm not ready for freezing temps 🥶

  31. West Texas here raining and 50’s. Then drops to low 40’s. We have about a week to 10 days of low 40’s in the morning coming. Got my sweet taters and beans and peas out. Going to dig up and overwinter peppers

  32. I would not pull nor terminate anything that is still producing, until a frost or deep freeze actually kills them dead, because you may yet get a number of warm days this fall.
    How about planting radishes and collard greens, and Swiss chard, at this time, for a Texas winter.

  33. Same here . This summer was so hot and dry . We are expecting possible frost/freeze on Tuesday night . I have to get out today after feeding chickens and get some plants picked down, some I can cover and be good to go . I have to bring my houseplants inside as well . I hope we get the El Nino or a "regular" year too .

  34. I'm taking a chance on not covering stuff. May bring in some potted pepper plants. Looks like 36° in my area for only about 1 hour. Rain was a bust, got barely a quarter inch. Im going to pick all my bigger peppers . I have a tricolor sage growing out of hole in cinder block that survived the cold in February. I don't use it but its pretty. In Virginia we didn't pull up sweet potatoes till frost killed the tops then we would cut off tops and dig potatoes as soon as we could.

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