Garden Plans

What Are We Going To Do About THIS? Landscaping Plans – ASK 014

We always find it fascinating what people want to know more about in these ASK videos. We’ve had a surprising number of questions about these concrete posts and some of the others we have dotted around our property.

In this video we’ll talk a bit about what they are, what’s planted on them, what we plan to do with them in future and some of our other landscaping plans.


  1. Use it for passion fruit or siberian kiwi, normal kiwi, climbing roses, grapes, squash, pumpkin, louffa or gourds….. anything except wisteria. Wisteria will choke out everything…. its seeds spread rapidly and its also toxic. Use lavenders, rosemary, thyme, bay. I think wisteria is really pretty but it's highly invasive and its hard work to contain it.

  2. Definitely plant as many grape wines as possible. Flowers look nice around house or by the entrance but that's about it – they are useless and many are highly invasive.

  3. Feijoa`s can be used in a hedge.
    Try planting an Avocado tree (needs to be grafted) as an experiment.
    Maybe try planting blackberries for some of the trellises.
    Wisteria looks nice but is a poisonous plant.

  4. How about painting the trellis arch way white? Would be great for grapes…

  5. You found a wonderful piece of property that you can develop over the years. What a lovely lifetime project.

  6. That Stout really looked the business The beer looked a lot like maidens piss to be honest but as Stout costs a lot more than beer you got the maths right on them.

  7. My late Uncle Peter used to say of liquor, 'if it is alcoholic, I will drink it through a shitty cloth'. Glaswegian colloquialism for he didn't care what the source was or how vile the taste, getting alcohol down his throat was all that mattered.

  8. If you buy cheap solar fairy lights, you can make them much more functional in the winter by replacing the often very small capacity batteries inside the unit with other, again super cheap, higher capacity batteries.

  9. You guys make me want to get up off my b_____and get started workin’. 😅 Great and inspirational work you have been doing there on the land.

    🌷Sam 🇨🇦

  10. I've been looking at that concrete arbour or walkway since you first started posting videos. It was obvious to me that it once carried grape vines, but the concrete has kept it going – whereas a timber structure would have long since died. 

    The walkway idea is still good – especially for your hot climate – but you can mix up flowers and climbing plants with any new vines planted.

    Above all, I'd also take a section of this walkway and put a roof on it, because the concrete posts could be reliable corner posts for a summer house, or an open seating area.
    In that way, would have shade, perhaps for a break when you are working in the garden. 
    It also makes a visual destination, making the garden more of a garden or place to hang out, rather than just a productive work space. .

  11. Personally those 45° post & hanger would look great with very large baskets or tubs filled with trailing flowers and veggies. It would be both unique and productive, as well as visually eye-catching.
    Wisteria is definitely beautiful, but it does spread. Not sure how to limit it, but there are other vines like Clematis that are beautiful and don't go all over.

  12. Kylie’s descriptive words of the day “it’s looks kinda dirty dishwater-ish” 😂

  13. So many things you could grow and trellis! Lovely to experiment and try different things. Really good property.

  14. Lots of comments from the anti-wisteria crowd, haven't seen any that mention their own climate. It does generally require a lot of pruning, the invasiveness isn't necessarily hard to control.

  15. Concrete stain is an easy way to add color to the posts, is easy to work with, and would be way less maintenance than paint.

  16. Great video. A suggestion….why not grow Hops on the main Trellis while waiting for the time to upgrade with the path and wall? (it'll add that oh yeah to your beer using your own grown)

  17. the insipid watery beer, you can sell it, john smiths do….lol, sorry, allegedly. the stout looks smashing.

  18. Your plan for an additional retaining wall to support the existing one is a great opportunity to have bench seating right along your pegola area. Don't worry too much about the contrete trellis supports – they will "disappear" once the vines grow. Exellent plans, good luck with it all.

  19. ok, what you are REALLY, REALLY looking for is someone who reviews and rates your videos, right? no, don't thank me yet, here you go: for this video and the previous one: the hosts* are indeed charming (* aka "rich layabouts") but the lack of chickens and the scarcity of kitty content somehow reduce the viewing pleasure. The inclusion of said chicken and kitty content would markedly improve the quality of said videos. 8,5/10 😄

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