Garden Plans

On the Sofa: Eclectic shopping plus garden/move news.

I have not needed to do much food shopping in the last few weeks so my weekly budget of £12 has built up and been carried over for today’s more expensive, and rather eclectic, shopping bag. Plus I’m chatting about new plans regarding the house move and garden.

Living without a wage……living off the land and making do & mending. Click subscribe to follow my journey.

Contact me at: Vivi’s Kitchen Garden, PO Box 75303, London, SE26 9DL, UK

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  1. I noticed on a lot of the YouTube videos. A lot of people love tomatoes and white potatoes. Im not into tomatoes much or white potatoes ( every now and again).I have heard and don't know how true this is but tomatoes and white potatoes are not good for persons who have arthritis. These items suppose to cause your joints to ache more. Has anyone here heard of that?

  2. Good to hear from you again. I believe you would be a wonderful writer. Just listening to you describing your everyday life is very enjoyable.

  3. Great minds! When I heard Paul mention that he couldn't find reasonably priced gigantes I thought to myself, "I bet my Turkish supermarket has some!" I haven't checked yet, but I will next time I'm that way.

  4. Vivi, your moving plans are good and sound. I remember when I moved the real estate agent told me to “ declutter” , clean off surfaces , etc. the house DOES show better … also recommend to put a spicy concoction boiling on the stove or bake something that smells nice as house is being seen!! I’ll say this, another thing about moving is that as you go through your stuff you need to be “ merciless” with yourself in really only keeping what you need! Good if you can find a place near your present allotment..
    Love ya!
    Marilyn xx

  5. You are Amazing Vivi💕. So happy you are moving forward with Your Passions, and taking care of your health. I do hope you will include in future on your videos info on the recipes, lotions/oat milk? You seem so organized about the plans which seem to bring you peace surrounding next year and your move! Wonderful🙃, yes a bit upside down but isn't that the way life rolls!

  6. A nice chat tonight was just what I needed, you seemed so excited with your shopping it made me smile xxx

  7. Vivi, please please can you do a video on how you make your oat milk, maybe you have done one already, dont remember seeing it recently, it would be a great money saving option,

  8. Sounds like a good plan. I am not sure though, that you will stay off the seedstarter process! 😅

  9. Amazing that you can make oat milk so cheaply! What a win for you and ANYONE living frugally ❤

    What a beautiful thing that you are making stuff for friends who are going through, or have been through, hard times. It will be SO appreciated.

  10. Hello vivi, I found you! I am a subscriber of Sean and I used to enjoy your content on his channel, are you still gardening? Paul

  11. Your plan for the garden makes perfect sense…and will give you more time to adjust to all the upheaval and changes you will be going through.

  12. I get really bamboozled when shopping around. With all the price matching that the big supermarkets are doing I'm never sure if the extra cost of driving to the budget stores is worth it. Sometimes I've thought I've found a great bargain in Aldi only to find that Tesco, where I do my main shop, is doing it for the same price. It's a work in progress for me!

    Love the feeling though when I know I've definitely picked up a bargain and can build it into my regular shopping.

  13. Never heard of gigantes beans. They sound amazing. I don't yet cook beans from scratch – always use tinned – but might try. People swear by instapots. I'd be worried otherwise about under-cooking! (Favourite moment of the video is when you laugh happily about finding such a bargain!)

  14. I think your flat will be snapped up really quickly as it's SO lovely. Hoping so much that you get a fantastic price and find the new place of your dreams!

  15. We had our first frost last night. Somehow my big parsley patch escaped so I filled a large laundry basket full and took to the local food bank. We were able to donate some other items as well. So pantry, freezer are in good order again! Indian summer here, so busy stowing hoses, garden furniture and the like. I cleaned the outside of my windows. So pretty with the sun coming in. Do you know how to make a chickpea pumpkin curry that is mild in flavor? I have a lot of pie pumpkins and am looking for good savory uses. I am not 100% yet from my surgery but so much better!

  16. Thanks for the update on your moving plans. It sounds like you have hit on just the right ideas for you, you are so smart! I am glad you have been able to move from sad to excited about giving up your plot and moving on to something else. Change can be very daunting. I wish I lived near you so that I could come and help take the boxes down the stairs for you. I’m no spring chicken, but my knees are in pretty good shape.

  17. We took the same low maintenance approach this year Vivi. We sowed our beans direct in July best ever🎉. Bung it in and see what happens is a great approach. We’re also going to be moving, and then giving up our plot. I’ve had one joint replacement and on the list for two more in the next 12 months. Like you I do what I can. I can’t wait to see where you end up, what an exciting prospect. Your very own little garden, haven, space to do what ever you want. ❤❤❤❤❤❤

  18. Vivi your plan to keep the allotment until your move date makes perfect sense. It’s smart to have a plan that can mitigate pressure points along the way. Thanks for the chat. 🌟🙂

  19. Kudos to you for taking a possibly hectic time to one of order. Great planning! Now when something comes about unexpectedly you’re in a better position to make the changes necessary.

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