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  1. Thank you. I appreciate your bluntness. Get prepared, stay prepared, live prepared. God Bless!

  2. While we still have backhoes available, We need to be digging multiple, long = 6' deep trenches to be prepared.. in the event of SHTF, there will be many corpses … We cannot live with these, they must be buried.. Having the multiple trenches already dug will provide a place to put them and back fill by hand.. Fuel will be confiscated or run out during SHTF.. And hand digging a grave will be impossible for most today..

  3. it only takes 10 days without food before people become cannibalistic.. During famine across the world, Parents would have to make a heart rendering decision to sacrifice the weakest, youngest child to feed the family.. This is not uncommon in history. I can't imagine having to do this to save the rest of my family..

  4. You are so right, and this is scary as hell. I'm a better shot than my husband but have not much physical strength and have serious health issues, so these are scary times to think about my husband not being here.

  5. I have 2 beautiful step daughters that think like their dad. Oh nothing will happen. I am crazy, I lost my mind in the Army, is what they believe. They won’t even talk to me. I did lose my mind, however I am not wrong. They will only talk to their mom as long as she doesn’t mention being prepared. What do you do? You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make it waterski.

  6. Thank you, Travis. I really appreciate the warning about content not suitable for children.

  7. actually id like to pint out a scenario id be expecting from a prepper armed home steader. Do not DO NOT pull your gun on juts anyone who you think looks a certain way, be calm but vigil.
    Ive been told by an honest white dude that i looked a certain way, this guy turned into a good friend. he said to himself do not rely on your gut feeling because you might be wrong. I had a burnt out demeanor because my wife died just days before, was just sadness not madness. watch out for your other humans on this earth dont go out blasting whomever or youll most certainly die the same way

  8. You're looking good Travis, I haven't seen your posts for a while as like many people I've been busy with my land getting prepared for the global takeover…….. you're absolutely right that many people will die for a variety of reasons, starvation, medical issues or simply because they're protecting family etc….. time's are changing fast and the world as we know it is going to be destroyed….but don't worry because we will own nothing and be happy….

  9. Southern Prepper 1 did a video awhile back in which he was digging with heavy equipment several graves on his property and then filling them back in. With the idea that a grave is much easier to dig with equipment than by hand with a shovel. Having graves pre-dug will make digging them by hand much easier when the need arises and there's no longer access to the fuel to run the equipment.

  10. Great video… don' need to apologize for speaking the cold hard facts. We are where we are.

  11. If,when the USA goes down prepping may buy you some time but China will be here to take over! Since we won't unite and take this country back to our Constitution we will see this nation fall, the entire WEST with it. Why do you think the west has the forced migration from the 3rd world? We're all going down! All the signs are there! Bye,bye miss American pie!

  12. I would really like to know where you are getting good feeds on local French and other europe news. I had not heard about the sever degree of fuel shortage or collapse

  13. Sad thing is that many of us have men who are abusive rather than protectors. But it does help you get stronger and battle ready.

  14. Ok so click bait much? And what were you going to talk about!?! What do you do with the dead? Completely dodged a solution. Get tough, get real, realize women don't need men for protection, we are capable. This was not helpful but misogynistic and a road to nowhere.

  15. I like load carriers that zip.. I'm getting old & have always hated messing with harness straps! P.S. I think your talk was fine & been working on my own mindset for months. If you're admitting the truth to yourself, you've already been thinking on how you'll handle or avoid different scenario's, trying to avoid ever having to feel overwhelmed or unprepared. That's what I do!

  16. Thank you brother. Your words of knowledge and wisdom are much appreciated. My wife and younger daughters are clueless.
    My son, grandsons, and oldest daughter understand. I’ll do the best I can for the unbelievers, but it may be too little, too late.
    We can only do what we can do I guess.

  17. I didn't have time to watch the whole thing right now, but almost half way through and I get what your saying but your missing the point. We need a savior. That's what life is about. That the whole picture, Jesus Christ died and if we believe we shall be saved

  18. The most vulnerable ARE already being abused robbed raped and murdered in this country by the thousands everyday
    Look up illegal guardianships….
    This can happen to ANYONE at ANYTIME
    Things in this country are not what people think
    The illusion is convincing but an illusion all the same.

  19. There is a guy in my county that wants to slaughter 3,000 women. He was arrested for threats and documents of him "setting his goals high" to achieve that, even found all kinds of things in his trunk….and can you believe they are talking about releasing him?!😡

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