Edible Gardening

How to save money by growing your own food

This video shows the state of the garden after we mowed the garden on 7-10-22.
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This garden started right on the grass. It is still challenging to keep the grass in check in the garden because I tended the garden 2-3 times a year this past few years.
You can start your garden right on grass. But you need to mulch the garden until the grass is gone. In this garden, we use the grass to mulch the garden bed until we have it under control. It serves as a fertilizer as well as it decomposes in place.
The garden is sitting on a property that is half an acre. I planned to add a garden to the property to reduce the yard space available to mow as I did in our home but not living on the property, the task is challenging as I am not harvesting the fall leaves in fall to mulch the garden as I do at home.
Perennial vegetables and herbs to grow right on grass
When you want to start a perennial garden right on an area that grows grass, mow the grass down. Cover the space with cardboard boxes laid flat on the grass for 3 weeks. After that when you remove boxes, you will be able to plant.
Some plants can be planted even if grass is growing in your new garden They include:
Egyptian walking onion:
When you plant Egyptian walking onion (Allium proliferum) close together, within 2 years, they could grow and keep grass out of that bed.
Horseradish (Armoracia rusticana) is a perennial root spice. They grow wide leaves and spread out. They would be able to grow within 2 years and shade the bed with their leaves to keep grass out.
Rhubarb is in the Polygonaceae family. It is a vegetable used as fruit. The stalk is the part that is used in cooking.
You can plant rhubarb to use the stalks to make desert. When they establish within 2-3 years, their leaves will shade the ground keeping grass out.
Now that you incorporated plants that will compete successfully with grass, you can focus your energy into mulching the garden pathways. If you have to mow the pathway, mulch your plants with the grass.
You can mulch the pathway with flat lay cardboard boxes, fall leaves, and wood chips. Fall leaves and wood chips can be used to mulch your perennial vegetables as well.

How to save money by growing your own food

Blog article: https://ninasoap.com/2022/10/how-to-save-money-by-growing-your-own-food/

Video Playlist:
How to Save Money by Growing your Own Food: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLaot4wvPcjCW_DxtSHBj5heAd1RI665h9
More articles can be found at: https://ninasoap.com/food-garden/
How to grow your own food to save money in groceries: https://youtu.be/keU6W7vXndc
How to grow your own food to save money in groceries: https://youtu.be/A_xzCTjhDtU
How to save money by growing your own food: https://youtu.be/fZ6XmPgNZos
How to save money by growing your own food: https://youtu.be/UpPtm5xqPbI

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At Nina’s Soap (Liberman Consulting L.L.C.), you would find information to live a quality life within budget and increase your net worth. Topics covered include personal finance, investment, business management, cooking from scratch and growing some vegetables and fruit to save money and eat healthy.

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