Garden Plans

Garden Planning (Where to plant) The Pantry Chat

We’re diving even deeper into our garden planning strategies and sharing it with you so you can plan out your best gardens yet. We’re talking about everything from the garden calendar, when to plant, how to avoid harvest and preservation overwhelm in the fall, soil health, and watering systems.

It’s a jam-packed episode so grab a cup of coffee and come hang out with us!

For more information and even more garden planning ideas, visit the blog post here:


– Clyde’s Garden Planner (use code “” for 10% off):

0:00 – Chit Chat
11:00 – Congestion Remedy
12:53 – Main Topic
15:00 – Garden Calendar
20:37 – Plotting the Garden
25:07 – Main Crop Garden
27:38 – Soil
37:15 – Watering System



WELCOME! We’re so glad you’re here! We are Josh and Carolyn Thomas. Together with our nine children, we are The Homesteading Family where we’re living a self-sustainable life in beautiful North Idaho. Let us welcome you and show you a bit about us here:

Grow, Preserve & Thrive with us!
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A few highlights you don’t want to miss are our FREEBIES!!

Healthy Healing at Home – Learn how to confidently use herbal medicine in your home with this FREE 4 video workshop:

Your Best Loaf – A Free 4 video workshop teaching you how to make great bread at home, every time, regardless of the recipe you are using:

Meals on Your Shelf – Can along with me! Learn to can and put jars of a delicious meal on your pantry shelf with this FREE video series:

– Homesteading Family’s Favorite Holiday Recipes – Grab all of our family’s favorite holiday recipes.
– 5 Steps to a More Self-Sufficient Life – Simple steps anyone can take wherever they are to start a more self-sufficient lifestyle.
– Thrive Wellness Checklist – A simple guide for healthy living:
– Permaculture for Your Homestead- An introduction to permaculture with some strategies for applying it to one’s homestead and garden.
– Carolyn’s Cottage Garden herb list – Carolyn’s favorite herbs for growing at home.
– Carolyn’s Make-Ahead Breakfast Casseroles – These easy casseroles are a life-saver for busy weeks!
– Your FREE Guide to Preserving Eggs – Grab your guide to preserving eggs with multiple methods.
– 5 Steps to a Healthy Garden – Get an explanation of what makes healthy soil and 5 steps you can take to improve your garden.
– Save the Crumbs- Several Recipes for using bread leftovers, a less committal entry to bread than the workshop.
– Fearless Fermenting- A simple guide on basic lacto-ferments.
– Fermenting Tomatoes – Easiest and fastest tomato preservation:
– Preserving Culinary Herbs – Downloadable, step-by-step directions to drying, freezing, and salting culinary herbs.
– Render Your Own Lard – Grab these easy instructions on how to render your own lard.
– Grandma Lynn’s Blueberry Buckle – A delicious dessert anytime of year:

#gardenplanning #pantrychat #homesteadingfamily


  1. Thank you for all of these great informative videos. I just found you guys and I’m addicted. We just bought a house on 5 acres of property a year ago. We’ve only had a garden for a handful of years and I was pretty clueless and winging it. We are getting more serious about saving money and as you said with the world and economic situation, some form of homesteading seems to be the smart thing to do. Anyway, we are looking to start a garden here this year. One of my issues with my previous gardens, were pests. Mainly bugs. What do you use to deter bugs? Obviously trying to stay organic and use the healthiest approach. Things like lettuces, Brussels sprouts etc, bugs just take over. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you again for these informative videos!! 🙂

  2. Happy Birthday! It can get better and better with the right frame of mind, which you have. Keep up the good work..

  3. I sure wish the whole prepping thing would fade away , Always based on guns , fear , apocalypse , etc.,etc.
    All people in our world have always tried to put away food and every other kind of resources to survive through winters , failed crops , conflicts , loss of income or jobs and it's just what intelligent people AND squirrels , etc. do to be safe and fed . How bout not wasting anymore time talking about prepping and just talk about living a sensible and forward thinking life and how to do that . I'm sorry you feel compelled to discuss it because of all the attention to it . You make beautiful programs that are so helpful and uplifting so thank you for that . Watching you guys has inspired me so much while I lived through a big loss of money , home and land and income and some days I couldn't find any hope but I could watch you making your herb garden or fermented carrots , YAY !!!! Love and thanks !

  4. Plotting: thru backyard, I pass by she shed, then walk between hay barn and husband shop, thru gate into equipment yard where chicken coupe and compost is located, I collect eggs, circle to back gate behind hay barn into garden and high tunnel, circle back next to dog pen, behind she shed raised beds, stone path to fire pit where my pretty flowers and some potted summer herbs, to the back door.

  5. Since we're moving through a Dalton Minimum, with its cooler weather, and potential unexpected frosts, we need to build some strategies for protecting our crops from unexpected events.

  6. We are newbies. I have 7 4 by 8’ raised beds. How would you suggest amending those? We have chicken that we let in those in fall and almost spring.

  7. Totally agree with your explanation of prepper vs homesteader. I am a prepper learning to be a homesteader! You are spot on about learning now what we may need in the future. Now retired after running a business full time and selling it, feel I have the time now to really learn what I need to. Your channel has been very helpful! Thank you.

  8. This probably going to seem like a stupid question but I'm new to outdoor gardening. If I plan to put in a fence about 30 ft long to grow a crop on, should I run the fence north to south or east to west? Does it matter at all? Any help would be so appreciated! Love you guys… you are so awesome to watch and just full of good information. Thanks.

  9. Josh is turning 50. Wow I wish I was that young again. hahahaha I just turned 79 and still out slaving in our huge garden. We have a little over 800 acres here in Manitoba with all the animals, trees and garden space a person could ever want. We still have time for horse riding and play. A person needs to love their life and themselves. My only medical problem is a little arthritis in the legs but I do fine. You guys are fantastic. You mentioned Gabe Brown who is a rancher. He does not touch his soil at all nor does he add any nutrients. He has videos on U Tube for those you may be interested. You mentioned corn's root system that may go down into the soil for over 10 feet. You mentioned GMO crops. GMO's mostly are cross pollinated by the wind and corn pollen can travel over 10 miles in windy places. The same with soya beans. I hope this helps folks.
    God Bless Joe Scott

  10. Thank you for these videos! We found your channel after putting a contract on our own mini homestead and love your videos. I would love to learn how to be a better gardener and have some meat and egg laying chickens. One question, I know you process your own chickens and watched the video on the 211 chickens in one day but do you do your own processing of your other animals, Or do you have someone come and do that for you? I think we could process our own chickens eventually but I don’t think I could bring myself to doing that to any other animals we decide to get in the future. I know there are local places around us that pick up, process and deliver back our other farm or game animals, just wondering if you did the same and how do you emotionally process that? Thanks Lauren S- soon to be resident of Grantville, GA

  11. As we searched for a house this past year I had high hopes for the perfect homestead property….alas it was not meant to be and some other priorities won out. However, not all is lost….. We'll have a solarium and almost 3 acres that are fairly wooded and many beautiful flower beds I hope to utilize…. This brings me to several questions … Planting food among and near flowers, are there any big no nos? The ground in the back yard seems to be high in clay and we may not be able to have chickens like I was hoping for prepping ground, composting etc. I have not decided on location for garden yet but recently saw a video on solarization to kill grass and weeds? Is this a good idea and how do I get the most nutrients into the soil right away. I'm guessing I'll have to actually buy compost this first year?

  12. If you eat GMO foods it will change your body…those foods are not natural and will change you cells…and it creates cancer and free radicals…do NOT eat gmos

  13. When making you Complete Organic Fertilizer, which oilseed meal do you use. It seems that most suggested (soybean, cottonseed and canola seed meal) are usually GMO crops. Thank you so much.

  14. Love this!! I have 1984 on my to read list! Also on your counter behind you, are those candles in a mold? Do you make your own candles? I would love more info on that! Never skip the chit chat, that is mostly what I watch these videos for! Lol

  15. Atlas Shrugged. Now that's a book for the times. Love your show, thank you for taking the time to create your videos for us. Many blessings!

  16. Could you discuss how to start seeds indoors? I’ve never done that and usually purchase my plants from the nursery. I would love to learn how to seed start. Thank you!

  17. Little hard to hoe and chop things in a raised garden bed, mine are 24” tall. Can I pull them chop them on the ground and then lay them back into the soil for the winter? Would this work as well?

  18. Our family has to plan around the county fair. Other than things that the kids plan to enter, I aim to have the harvest gluts happen a couple of weeks before and then nothing much the week before and week of, then back into preserving. There's always bean varieties that go faster than they are listed that then over-ripen while we're gone for the week and are lost!

  19. Question I have some old tractor tires I was going to use for raised bed flowers possibly, is it OK to use tires for food production? Tires hold up long term with a very slow decay rate. Can they release harmful things into my soil?

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