@Kaye Kittrell

Kaye Kittrell: Where do YOU draw the LINE?

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After all that we have been through the last two years, where do YOU draw the LINE? Leave your thoughts in a comment! Please share! City girl urban gardener turns late bloomer homesteader! Subscribe so you won’t miss out! Support this channel:

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Music by Epidemic Sound.

“Late Bloomer” exists to inspire anyone to grow their own food. Kaye’s vlog covers gardening, travel, homesteading, and interesting people. Please share!

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  1. Another very excellent video, Kaye! The Japanese government recently introduced CBDCs, but later had to withdraw the idea, as no one would participate. Japanese people prefer cash and they made that quite clear. Please use cash and shop locally, if at all possible. Shopping on line and paying with a credit card is exactly what "they" want. If we all stop using cash, it will quickly and easily be removed. Cash provides us with freedom and privacy and the ability to save for large purchases or emergencies. I heard the UBI money would come with an expiration date. If they give you $5,000 a month, whatever is unspent when the next $5,000 arrives, gets deleted. You can no longer save for a rainy day. "They". want us out there shopping. If you encounter a place that refuses cash payment, refuse to give them your business. USE CASH !!!

  2. Thank you so much for what you do. I so enjoy watching your channel. I live in Georgia and we are in a fight for our freedom ,with this upcoming election for Governor. I hope and Pray everyday that we can take back the house so we can continue to have a great state.

  3. Oh my..I’m not sure why this channel was recommended to me .I don’t subscribe to QAnon theories and ideas .Where are the YouTube disinformation watchdogs. You are doing harm to this country by spreading this garbage.

  4. Where I live there’s a $10 fee for using credit cards to pay the state and county bills Or not accepted at all even some restaurants will not except a credit card

  5. Evening Kaye i listened to this vlog it gave me food for thought. I was a Jehovahs's Witness for years then i was not. I believe in God, i do not have to go to a church to believe. I feel that God can see into my heart the kind of person i am and what i do for my fellow man. None of us know when the end will be near. The Disciples asked Jesus he dd not even know. We know theIR are different versions of the Bible, We each have the Religion we believe in. i had so many questions when i first entered the TRUTH. Some do not believe in Religion at all but that is their choice, We look at a House that House had a Designer a Builder then builds it. only 144,000 are going to Heaven. Kaye give me a call sometime too much to type on here. Sending you a Hug Lin x

  6. Thank you for sharing Kaye. We cannot afford to be silent any longer with our freedom be stripped away, piece by piece. I pray more people start opening their eyes to what's happening around the world and in our own country. I notice you choose certain words/names to avoid the one-sided censorship by big tech. All we can do is pray and vote!

  7. I'm from just north of Boston. Salem, mass. An all blue state and I mean all leftist state, when I mention a reset they look at me like I'm a nut.most of them believe everything is just fine. And they will say it's not on the tell a lie vision. it just boggles my mind. Anyway I came across this channel I guess because it was close to what I was watching and I'm glad I did. Great fun stories I liked the mouse one and reading the messages below while watching,so many good people leaving suggestions with there own experiences 😀 👍

  8. I lost your videos for quite some time. Last I saw you were installing the raised beds! Thank you Kaye, I've been saying to all for the last year to read 1984 again. Glad you left the wicked west! God always wins.

  9. Oh my, Kaye, it's frightening how little our 20–40 year old's know about the "great reset" and the banking changes that are coming very, very soon and I'm glad you're talking about it! I'm especially thrilled to hear you remind people to read their Bibles, pray and know where they personally stand and where they draw the line because things are changing rapidly and we absolutely must be informed! Thank you for addressing these matters!

  10. Kaye thank you so much for your YT channel. I remember when I did a search for older women homesteaders, or something to that effect, and your channel popped up. I was so happy!
    I too am a person over 60… who was looking for someone, like myself, who is on a similar journey, that I could follow.
    Since reconnecting with my roots of people & simple living and leaving the fast life, that was literally killing me. I M much more peaceful & healthy. I am grounding myself in the simple truths of; the US Constitution is the most important manmade law of our great country, cash is king, people are very important, credit & loans makes you a slave to the lender and Corporate America doesn't give a flying flip about us, they're only concerned about their profits as mandated by congressional law.
    This was a great video, thanks for encouraging those who are waking up to what our gov't is trying to do!!! 😊
    God bless America and all of her citizens! Amen!

  11. CBDC My brother in law does project management for banks. He is currently working for something big at the Bank of England. Dont know what but its been going on a few years now.

  12. Hi Kaye ,My name is Rebecca. I was watching on the internet this morning, and heard about the digital currency.

  13. Thank you Kaye. I am so glad we are on the same page; food preservation, gardening and love of the Lord. You are wonderful!!! P.S. I also raise chickens and ducks. They are a wonderful addition to my small homestead.

  14. I'm glad that you are talking about the CBDC very few are. I believe this is supposed to be implemented the first of 2023. I'm really not too concerned about it as I think the church will be out of here before that happens. Which is very very soon! If you happen to be left behind learn how to be self sufficient and do not take the mark of the beast.

  15. Stay in Gods word and do his will pray for protection, love and faith in Jesus sacrifice and we will meet in paradise!

  16. Kay I think I will sub this channel. I hope you didnt get the vaxxxx. I draw a line regarding digital currency, the 1st, 2nd, 4th amendments and most other rules in the Constitution.

  17. Thanks so much for bring this to our attention & food preservation videos & courage.
    Please pray for Florida & Texas & lower coastlines, as we have currently 4 hurricanes trying to
    gain strength. Our country does not need any more devastating happenings. Praying for the mercies of God & His Grace.

  18. I lived and worked in Nashville for a year. After only a few months I was talking to my Mom back in Massachusetts she yelled at me because I was talking with a southern accent. She said you are a Yankee don't talk that way. I had been teased when I got there that I talked like the Kennedys. I didn't realize I had an accent. Now I live in Connecticut so I guess my accent is a mix.

  19. I never gave my freedom of choice away to anyone ! I fought for the right once and I will fight for it again. Exactly which Freedom did you give back to the government?

  20. I've started leaving in my bank account just enough money to pay my auto-payments. I get the rest out in cash and use that for my shopping.

  21. Yes, my only hope is when our Father in heaven and his son, Jesus Christ, come to cleanse our beautiful planet of all wickedness!!! And we do know who wins in the end.

  22. Glenn Beck has an excellent video on ESG. Maybe you could explain ESG. I know my ESG score is in the tank…with the Govt.

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