Gardening Trends

Philodendron 'Prince of Orange' 3-Yr Review | Orange Folliage | Is it stable?

In this video I continue the plant review series, with the Philodendron ‘Prince of Orange’. Let me tell you this, after a while, this can get huge.

As with all of these reviews, the review is biased to my experience with the Philodendron ‘Prince of Orange’ in my conditions.

As always I encourage you, if you have this plant too, to add your own review in the comments.

The format is the usual format for these videos:

Some background on my experiences with the Philodendron ‘Prince of Orange’
Speed of Growth that I have experienced with the Philodendron ‘Prince of Orange’
Ease of Propagation of Philodendron ‘Prince of Orange’
Common Pests for Philodendron ‘Prince of Orange’
Accessories and Growing tips for the Philodendron ‘Prince of Orange’
My final thoughts and score on the Philodendron ‘Prince of Orange’


00:00 Intro
02:55 Background
06:20 Speed of Growth
09:01 Ease of Propagation
10:15 Availability
14:33 Pests
16:33 Accessories
19:08 Final Thoughts
22:36 B-Roll


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Growing accessories

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  1. So glad to hear from you and the other commenter how slow this is to get started! I bought mine as a very tiny plant 8 months or so and now I have….a very tiny plant 🙁 But now, I shall not lose hope! Thanks, and I love these review videos, so helpful

  2. I got it 2 years ago, it was a mini plants. It was 49sek €4,45 which is still a price you can get them for but 90sek €8 is more common for a mini.

    It was about 5 cm at height when I bought it, repotted it 3-4 times, now it’s 15 cm tall and 25 cm wide. I don’t know if that is slow. I notice a big difference after I placed it on top of the soil of my alocasia “Dragon Scale”. I wanted to have it under light an there were no space unless I pot it on the soil, so out of superstition I always have these two next to each other now. No extra humidity. (I had a other “Prince of Orange” I had in semihydro, did not work for me. Nothing happened.)

    Knock on wood no pests (yet).

    I like him, a little wobbly, in homemade aroid mix. Wormcasting and fish emulsion.
    Thanks for the video, so nice to hear other peoples experiences with the same plant!

  3. Hey Mimo. Had a small plant an it was wobbly in the soil, never could get it to stabilize. So it went bye bye. Gorgeous foliage on PoO an probably would pick up another if stable in soil. 💚

  4. I pay , think she wash 40 cm the leafs in the Netherlands 68 euro and for a younger one 12,50…. I always us earth for the plants for young plants for the roots because it is always doing great by every plant 🍀☀️💞🙏 greating from the Netherlands 🇳🇱🧀🌷 and thank you for sharing ☀️🍀🙏

  5. Love these videos, as your collection is gorgeous, and your knowledge of them is incredibly valuable. Thank you.

    My experience with my PoO is similar, though I've only had mine 1 1/2 years. I adore it's colouring, it adds that pop of colour and visual interest to my indoor jungle. I have it in a chunky aroid mix, under a sansi light, but to the right of a North facing window. I find as it aged the colour of the leaves have gone a richer red-orange, and the leaves retain the red at the edges and the undersides – NOTE: I've always given it good indirect light.

    It did do something weird a couple of months ago (a month or so after a spring up-pot to a deeper & wider plastic pot). The newest leaf came in half the size as the others, so I took that as my cue to chop it. It was doing the slanting/leaning/crawling growth thing, so now it's forced it to form a new growth point down the stem, and is now growing more upright. Oh, one other thing is mine pupped last year, so when I potted up I rescued the wonky little baby from under mama, and now I have 3. 😉

  6. Love this series. I have my prince of orange in well draining soil, under a grow light for 12 hours and it’s doing great. I just had to move it because it’s getting a little bigger. I’m in So. CA and my house is around 50-60% humidity.

  7. I've loved the orange leaves on these for a long time, and wondered if I'd like it as a plant… I haven't seen many larger ones, so I wasn't sure if it would still be orange. I love the look of yours, so thanks for the info on it! 🙂

  8. My 3rd PofO has done well for a year now. Have a fairly dry home, plant in soil ~4 from S. Facing window (northern hemisphere). First one, had root rot, probably my fault as new to philodendrons. Replaced it a year later, but a nursery sent a tiny plug planted in a 4” pot and that was already rotting. Sigh. Then bought one for USD 20 from a very reputable nursery October 2021 and this one is doing great! Love the colourful leaves, there are two reddish ones today. Plant is sizing up, so will probably not buy any more philodendrons with this spreading growth pattern as circumference getting too large for my space. Love this series, so helpful!

  9. I love my prince of orange, nice to see this video, I found mine as a baby about 3 years ago, made some first time plant parent mistakes, that I realize now but the plant took it in stride. Was slow grower at first but has started taking off now , I added a grow light to the corner its in and I can't believe how bright orange the leaves come out now, I'm in awe of how orange actually , its cool. The humidity is higher now too both from the amount of plants and a humidifier ( 50-60%). Still in a rosette form for the most part and shooting nice air roots out now too. Hopefully it keeps going well because I actually like it more now then before. Seen some gorgeous large ones for about 50$ canadian for a 10" pot, easier to find here for sure.

  10. In my experience my "POO" is always getting stuck or deformed leaves unless in high humidity. Also new leaves can come out more red in higher light(?)and more orange in lower light. And yes I've confirmed it is indeed a POO 😜

  11. I'm in Australia (Melbourne so we're not far off UK weather in spring) and the Prince of Orange happens to be one of my favourite philodenrens. I recommend propping it and moving it to somewhere a bit more sunny so the orange leaves become more vibrant and stays compact. In spring it can go a bit bannanas growth-wise (i grow in soil & a type of pumice grit) and it's pumping out leaves all over the place – it's had about 7 since just before September and it's got more coming in… so yeah it can be a crazy grower in decent house lighting (I have no greenhouse or anything it sits on my desk with a bunch of my other philodenrens and it grows faster than my Micans and Brazil which are also fast growers.

    up north many have these growing in gardens, they can get HUGE if you let them!

  12. I just watched two of your reviews, checked out your channel, and I subbed. Fantastic honest reviews. I don’t have this plant, but I would take one if it was offered or if I found it easily/had spare cash to try it based on your review. I love philodendrons, so I’m definitely tempted.

  13. Mine never acclimated to my dry space, never grew until finally it died. Knowing what I know now I’d love to buy another one when I come across one

  14. Lo I live in the SW of the UK and literally found one in a garden centre like a week ago 😆

  15. I have had my Prince of Orange baby for 1 year. I have almost killed him back to 1 leaf but since placing him on the stereo cabinet in a Western windows he’s doing great. The orange is fantastic and the leaves are getting larger as we speak. I love the many different hues the leaves go through before the end phase of “green”. It looks like a different plant all the time. Planted in airy soil and it grows fast regardless what Substrat. I suggest to keep turning it to promote a round shape. Very easy to care for. I would suggest buying a baby because they grow very fast and can take more abuse. I call mine Lazarus because I brought him from the dead. Only paid 5€ in Germany. Love the content of your channel.

  16. Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge and your nerd joy, I really enjoy your videos! Just wanted to add that the link to your strongest grow light doesn't work quite right anymore 🤗

  17. Hi Memo…I do love the color of those leaves! I remember when I first saw them about the 2 years before you got yours… i REALLY wanted one….then i read it was a compact self header and I had visions of it turning into my Thaumatophyllum bipinnatifidum (the artist previously known as split leaf philo) which was taking up significant real estate in my plant room. Also the price on Ebay was still pretty high, so I decided on McColley"s finale. And honestly I'm so glad I did! It took a couple of years to become a climber, but now its 3 and a half feet tall, and its stem, cetaphylls and petioles are so red as are its roots! The leaves begin as cherry red then turn copper to green with the leaves veins still holding onto that red for awhile longer. It really looks like it's erubescens parent when it's not growing. Anyways thanks for the video! Enjoy the pup!

  18. Memo, I have a red Sun but can’t find much on YouTube. Is prince of orange effectively a similar plant with same care etc? Xx

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