Backyard Garden

Growing peas in my backyard garden – Texas cream 40, Kids in the garden series

Amanda from The Educators Spin On It uses her backyard garden as both a teaching tool for her young children and a way to encourage healthy eating habits. She is a novice gardener working hard to learn the ways of the south! Each year she tries new vegetables in the garden and here she is harvesting the Texas 40 peas recommended to her by another local gardener.


  1. SO CUTE!! a prime example of what can happen when you raise your kids to love veggies 😉 My father raised me working in his garden…. and before he knew it I was stealing his veggies right before he could harvest them. lol

  2. My kids eat them straight off the plant like I did growing up. When you grow Chem free, there's not much reason to have to wash them first. Most nutrition and fiber is in the outside part so we eat it all but we tend to pick ours more tender so they don't choke on the "strings". You're raising him right, Momma! 😉

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