Gardening Supplies

Garden haul 2022/growing perennial flowers from seed + cheap deals on gardening supplies

Garden haul 2022 | growing perennial flowers from seed + cheap deals on gardening supplies

ln today’s video l share my garden haul with you and show you all the cheap deals l got on garden supplies and fertilizers. Gardening can be fun if you shop smart and stay on budget in the process.

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My channel is all about country living, simple living, traditional old ways, slow living, and getting back to basics. My husband and I with our children live in an old 1800s farmhouse out in the countryside. Two years ago, we bought this property to start living freer and simpler. Our farmhouse is 132 years old. Together we are transforming the land into a food forest and growing organic food. We are also renovating and restoring the old farmhouse to its former state. It’s a lot of hard work but we are enjoying every bit of it. Subscribe and come along with us on this journey.

COLOSSIANS 3:23-24 And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily as to the Lord and not unto men, knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of inheritance, for ye serve the Lord Christ.
Thank you everyone for all your likes, fabulous comments, and for subscribing


I’m so excited to share this video with you. I hope you enjoy it. Let me know in the comment section what other videos you would like me to make.

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  1. Hazel I have to come to you Dollar store or are you talking about Dollar Tree. Please clarify.
    Everything at my Dollar store worth buying is $4-6
    Small Ugly flower pots are 2,3,4$.
    Not large enough to transfer plants into. Still looking.
    By the way bought 6 beach 🪣 for $3 each at the Dollar store.
    Cheaper than their biggest flower pot but the same size(hope they don't see this message or they will increase the price). They are all green, I will be spraying or painting them, keeping the cord handles.
    Might use 2 as hanging pots. The rest to transfer my indoor plants into.
    Do I need to put gravel, small stones in pots before using them as they don't have drainage?

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