Gardening Supplies

Is Old-School Gardening the Future of Food?

From the starter plants in your window to giant agriculture, there’s a lot of science to cover before dinner.

Hosted by: Michael Aranda

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  1. I’m a totally on board with sustainability and I’d like to contribute to it in the future, but I swear to God, there’s no way I’m gonna live in a poop house

  2. Here's a novel idea quit Paving over the fertile lands and build your cities where you can't grow nothing instead of plowing over good farmland to make shopping malls idiots

  3. Or you could just limit the amount of people on this planet 10 billion people is plenty and it is not sustainable

  4. Dump ALL incumbents.
    You are a mouthpiece for Big Processed Food Control Trillionaires. Try growing natural stuff.

  5. Dump ALL incumbents.
    Try eating what you need and NOT what food commercials tell you to eat. Yadda, yadda, yadda.

  6. Umm, I don't think raising fish is a "relatively small space" sounds not great for fish. Basically, keeping any animal in a tiny enclosure is an animal welfare nightmare. So, not sure about aquaponics.

  7. It's weird that the people afraid of pesticides are the same people that believe in homeopathic medicine. Apparently the dose makes the poison, except for when they carefully control doses of pesticides to kill small bugs.

  8. The World Health Organization’s (WHO) International Agency for Research on Cancer, however, stated in 2015 that glyphosate is “probably carcinogenic to humans.”

  9. One major supermarket chain in my city has, in their biggest store, built a fairly sizeable vertical hydroponic garden room, where they grow lettuce and herbs. It looks like a big glass room full of greens right by the entrance. The motivation for building it in the first place (apart from green marketing attracting customers) was to cut down on shipping pollution and cost, making the store more self-sustainable and the produce to have longer shelf-life, meaning less food waste.
    I think it's pretty neat and seems like a good way to implement this kind of farming.

  10. Keep spreading the word about these awful chemicals. They are destroying our environment for our short term benefit. Look at the monarch population, bees , ect. For example. We all need to grow our own food organically. Pick our own weeds ect.

  11. Waste water treatment plants do not filter out medication residues, at least not in the NL, so in the NL it's forbidden to use the manure from WWTPs as fertilizer to prevent things like anti-depressants, chemo, etc. to end up in the soil. So if people use composting toilets in a community, you should make sure nobody is taking any form of medication, even no hormonal birth control…or traces will end up back into your food. I often think about how weird it actually is that we just flush medication residues into the ocean…

  12. In Uganda we use hippo meat to compost fertlzr for tribal use

  13. Why don't you talk more about solar? I have almost 10 ikw of panels at my house. It works perfectly and it's free power.

  14. How about stopping making so many new humans?
    We don’t need them, nobody does, and the planet is definitely worse off with more of us on it

  15. I don't get the antibiotic problem from solid waste, concidering that we use 4 times more antibitocs for farming Animals than humans. So in theory it should be less of a problem than it is now.

  16. My dad worked at Geigy Industrial Chemicals back in the sixties and seventies. I clearly remember having one of his business cards that proudly stated: “Originators of DDT”. Geigy merged with Ciba and became Ciba-Geigy, then Syngenta (today). My dad’s specialty was plastics, so he had no involvement in DDT R&D. But that memory of his old business card stayed with me.

  17. Build the grow towers like a parking garage and put angled mirrors on each level angling into the space. Then make the upper level a fish farm. Have your plumbing to pump dirty fish water to the plants and the clean water from the plants to the fish. Use a highly valuable fish as your fertilizer producer and sell them too. Even with expensive construction you wouldn’t have to power artificial lighting and you’d already be recycling the water for the most part also both making it more sustainable for desert climates and effectively paying itself off faster in the long run. Idk just a thought.

  18. UM folks, you should add some wood/ paper products to your compost pile whether you have meat in it or not. Use brown paper that is used in packaging or wood scraps like sawdust from UNTREATED unpainted unlaquered wood.
    As for biosolids, be careful. Your poop is full of the bad stuff you ate.

  19. DDT was great at eliminating pests until it was NOT because the bugs developed resistance. Then they ONLY killed species up the food chain, and caused cancer in humans.

  20. We need to stop selling military grade weed killer in the garden stores. It is building stronger weeds and is killing already stressed bees and monarch butterflies. That's your Roundup. Saving crops for farmers is one thing, but is a perfect lawn worth no monarchs and sick bees? Can't have most food crops without POLLINATORS!

  21. How about if we move the urban vertical farming outside onto porches and decks, just like in the illustration? It would contribute clean fresh air and shade to the urban environment. Every 10th floor or so could be an indoor farm/ garden where people could go to get cool during heat waves, and instead of pulling hot outside air into each apartment through an energy intensive a/c unit there could be an air exchange set up with the garden floors.

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