Container Gardening

How to Make FREE SOIL * Container Gardening EASY Compost in Place MAKES Plant Fertilizer & Worm Farm

A Container Garden Network that you grow and compost in Place, compost tea, worm farm all in one, just TOO easy. Growing celery, Kales, tomatoes, Orange mint, Chocolate mint, collard, parsley, zucchini and more. Great easy system to create to make your life easier, and grow great vegetable plants.

Great video for your Gardening to make COMPOST in PLACE EASY:

Know which totes to use:

Here are the Same Solar Fountain Kits I buy for our Yard and this is an aff. link to the company:
Another aff. link for these Solar Fountain Kits:

Best Price I have found for TULLE. This is TULLE that Great Fabric SO CHEAP and last years outside here, here is an aff. link to check out, many colors, I usually get one of the greens, but any color will work great:

How To Build Raised Bed Tote Vegetable Garden-Grow Tons of Food Pot Plants in Easy Method Small Spaces

How To Build Raised Bed Tote Garden-Grow Tons of Vegetable Pot Plants in EASY METHOD Small Spaces

Here are the 18 gallon totes used in my gardens as raised beds, I have been buying them from Walmart Grocery with my groceries so I do not have to leave the house, Ebay too has them with free shipping, so here is an aff. link so you can check them out:

Cheap Container Gardening EASY SYSTEM Compost in Place-Worm Farm-FREE Plant Food For All Your Plants 2-14-22



  1. Thank you so much for your videos! We were trying to decide how to start a garden at our new West Virginia home and can't wait to try your method for our first garden. So inspiring!

  2. I am doing compost in place and i put a few pots of plants on that compost and i am having great results, thank you Robbie, your system works so well.

  3. This gives me sooooo many ideas. For example, You could use old laundry detergent bottles and milk jugs to do this. I love that it goes from food scraps to compost tea within a single system and I wouldn't even notice unless you showed me. Fantastic!

  4. U are amazing ❤️ The square white compost bucket , is it just one bucket because it looks like it’s a couple together. Love all the things u do 💕

  5. I love that footage of you figuring out where to put those tables! I spend lots of time in my garden—or even just looking out the windows at my garden—scheming, planning, calculating, imagining! I enjoy that so much, and it’s so fun to watch someone else doing it!

  6. I'm going too try this on my tomatoes which sadly don't do too well…they Peter out after bloom…one question though…i do compost👍 & see all the what stops the bugs from destroying the plants roots under the soil when direct composting as you do? Thanks…luv ur videos…they really gets me getting 💚💚💚

  7. 2nd video, that I see from you and… you are genius! I think/hope you helped me sooo much with this system. Thank you very much

    And for you to…. Have an amazing day.

  8. I went to Walmart yesterday and they barely had any storage bins in the storage aisle, which surprised me. I'm wondering if Robbie has a hand in that in some way right now. 🤔

  9. Do you add the worms to a bucket when you add the compost to a new bucket? Where do they come from?

  10. Robbie I just love your enthusiasm and ingenuity! Thank you for inspiring me to keep it simple when it comes to gardening!

  11. ???? I'm determined to start container gardening this spring!! I have 7 beds in the ground, but just this month the voles moved in. I'm jealous of all your leafy greens because I have a problem with flea beetles. Do you? What do you do about it?

  12. I don’t understand: where does your worms coming from?? You said they move quick? Did you put the worms or they come from ??? I am a newbie in veggie and never composted!

  13. Thank you for the wonderful ideas presented in this video. This will be my second year of attempting to grow food. Your channel is a treasure.

  14. Hi Robbie my darling daughter lives in a rental property and she has shown an interest in gardening. I told her about your videos of container gardening and how there is little weeding and when she moves house she can take her garden with her. I am sending this video to her as it will give her a good introduction. Thank you. 😁🌼

  15. This is wonderful Robbie I am going to be doing totes on the deck to because I live in a forest so I can’t do things below because of animals. I kept kind of the opposite problem of everyone else I’m living way deep in the forest. But the only problem is protecting the deck I’m going to have to just use chair after chair I don’t have those tables and I can’t have anything touching the word because it Cedar. Any comment from you would be helpful.

  16. This is so great if I could find the same plastic tables LOL but the nice thing to if you can break this down and restore your deck to empty for the winter which mine as it has nothing on it but a garden hose like I said it’s pure cedar all new $7000 so I have to be very careful what I put up there and how I do it but thank you for this wonderful video like always.

  17. I'm so gonna do this 1 and Gary's pool idea luv your guys creative ways and it looks beautiful at the same time. I know the top is dish pans is the lower level 18g totes? Couldn't really tell in video.

  18. I use all you advice and get notting close to you ! They are all big in container but having hard time to ripens ! We in MN don’t have your warm weather , in 60 F at night and 75-76 in day time , maybe if we are really lucky couple days we go in to the 80 F😟I’m sick of all the work and get 2 beans 😢

  19. I see you put the good soils on the top top of container 🤷🏼‍♀️the roots are on the bottom where you put your leaves and kitchen scraps! So what is the sense of that good expensive dirt on the top 😏let me know ( I am doing it too but can’t understand it 🤷🏼‍♀️

  20. Hi! Can we start this at the end of the summer even though the plants will die out? The worms will still be alive during winter time right?

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