Backyard Garden

Ideas for landscaping recreation areas in the garden! 50 examples for secluded relaxation!

Ideas for landscaping recreation areas in the garden! 50 examples for secluded relaxation!

If we are talking about recreation areas in the garden, then they can be different in function. This includes active recreation (badminton court), relaxing by the fire, gatherings with friends (an area with a table or an outdoor sofa), an open-air cinema and many other options.
In our busy world, sometimes you want a completely different rest: take a short break, think about what you’ve done, dream about the future. Nature disposes to such reflections, and today we will tell you how to equip a zone for meditation and solitary rest. How to create it, what to pay attention to and how this site differs from others.
The first step. Choosing a place and size
It is advisable to place a platform for a secluded rest in a secluded place, away from other zones and buildings. And, for sure, this place should not be clearly visible. Ideally, if you manage to organize a platform under the crowns of trees in the depth of the plot. Your task is to create a “green room”.
The size of such a zone can be any: from 10 to 100 sq.m, depending on the size of the site and the function of the site. If you want to create the most intimate space for one person, then 10 sq.m will be enough. And if it is, for example, a yoga area + a tea area, then they will occupy a much larger area.
The second step. We fill it with the main elements
First you need to create a sense of security. Trees or tall shrubs are well suited for this purpose. Thuja, spruce, turf, lilac, oak, maple – choose plants with which you have positive associations.
Then we move on to the middle tier of plants. It can be any coniferous or deciduous shrubs up to 1-1.4 m high.
Be sure to add your favorite perennial plants (or annuals to the pots). Given that this area is isolated from the rest of the site, it is possible to place flowers in a different range here. And the whole site can be in a different style than the rest of the site.
Remember about the place to sit (or lie down). It can be a garden chair, a bench, or even a flooring on which you put pillows or a yoga mat.
The third step. Decorating the space
Decor elements can be different, their main task is to evoke positive thoughts and emotions in you, to awaken good memories, to energize.
There is nothing more relaxing than watching the water. You can create a “mirror” of water. It can be a bowl of water, a small pond or a drinking bowl for birds. You can also use water in motion. For example, a small stream, bubbling water, a cascade of stones.
It is very important not to overdo it with water bodies. There should be no active movement, loud sound or pump noise. Therefore, a waterfall or fountain is not the best solution for a meditation zone.
Visual point of attraction
Contemplation allows you to immerse yourself in your inner world. Therefore, you need to install something in the recreation area that you will contemplate. It can be a water object, a nivaki tree, an art object or a flower garden of continuous flowering.
Aroma, sound
We remember about all the senses. Think about what sounds and aromas relax you? What makes you feel peaceful? There is no universal recipe here, because someone likes the rustle of cereals, and someone likes the ringing of bells. Someone loves the smell of mint, and someone can’t stand the aroma of hydrangeas. Choose for yourself.
Something personal
The area for a secluded rest, like no other, should be personal. Try to create a special atmosphere close to you. It will be great if it reminds you of a pleasant journey (the streets of Italy, a Greek cafe).

This video is educational in nature! Author of the channel “100 Ideas!” demonstrates garden and backyard ideas and explains their merits.
We made significant changes to our content using Movavi Video Suite 18 video editor, we edited several ideas (image) in a specific order to reveal the video creator’s creative intent, and added audio track with our instructions and free music YouTube.


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