Garden Plans

Projects Update – The Fence is In | Gardening with Creekside

It’s a busy day here at Creekside! Both of our big projects are moving along nicely with the trusses being delivered for the new production building, and we are wrapping up getting the fence installed.

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Proven Winners
Power Planter Garden Augers & Drills
Felco (Use GWC10 for 10% off your order)
Our Amazon Store (we receive a portion of each purchase you make)

🪴 Products We Use 🪴
Garden Belt
Kinsman Garden Company
Gardener’s Supply Company

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Creekside Nursery
181 Pine Hollow Dr
Dallas, NC, 28034


  1. Good morning Jenny. Excellent video as always. That rustic fence looks wonderful. Thanks for sharing and have a wonderful weekend.

  2. I think it looks fantastic! Your house sits back a bit so I think you still have a great long view. And the view will be even better once the trees are in. Looking forward to seeing them go in!

  3. This looks so beautiful. I know you and Jerry will make this area your own personal oasis. The color chalk board black will be outstanding. Enjoy!

  4. Love that fence! Do glow girl spirea grow in your zone? I sure love mine especially this time of year, the fall colour is insane!! The bright chartreuse in spring is great too!

  5. Thank you, Jenny, for the introduction to Miss America Kale. I actually found some at a nursery in Athens, GA and planted up the urns in front of my house with them and pansies. Sound familiar?! They are doing great—a beautiful combination!

  6. Oh how I wish I could find mums that size for that price. All of you in the area are fortunate. A mum that size in my area is at least $30. I can't pay that much for a plant that will last a month or more. I buy them, and love them, I just can't do that size.

  7. Looks wonderful Jenny and Jerry! I think planting up this area will be so fun for you and beyond beautiful too! Now for a "private drive" sign 🤗

  8. I think maybe it just doesn't show up as much on screen. The shots today showed it much better. You're right though, it doesn't have to be 10 feet tall to be a burm!!

  9. Jenny, your new fence is fabulous! It really sets you up to design a gorgeous entryway…So excited for you and Jerry! Praising our Lord and Savior Jesus forever!

  10. You guys do a really a good informative show which pertains to every day people that want a beautiful yard, unlike the other well known show seems to me they are just wasting money which could help a lot of people in need.

  11. That fence is awesome, good work Jerry. I can’t wait to watch this space develop change and grow. I live in California but I’ve been following Creekside for a couple of years now and I get so many creative ideas and introduced to so many good plants. Between you and Gardner Answer who needs anything else.🎉

  12. I am lovin' your ambitious projects. They show such imagination and style. Since I have begun to follow your postings, your property looks more and more beautiful. I enjoy each garden development and can't wait to see how they mature and how you tweak the designs. If you are not careful, people with travel to you garden centre just to tour your many garden rooms. Keep up the great work!

  13. Love the fence. You have given me so many ideas 💡 looking to buy a home in South Carolina now looking for 1/2 and more. Plants and flowers. Now shrubs. You have open my eyes and now looking to see what I can do. You both are just wounderful.

  14. Have always liked split rail French. Had one in last house. Creates a boundary but not completely blocking view. Will be great looking when planted. Will be watching to see how it develops

  15. Jenny and Jerry you all did a magnificent job on the fence area can’t wait to see as it progress. I can see the berm. I can picture big green wreaths and Christmas lights. Great job!

  16. I love the fence. We are going to do this as well with our new property. Definitely interested in how you are going to design your garden!

  17. Jenny, I get a kick when you translate Jerry's comments for us. Something tells me you old married folks don't even need words to communicate.

    I can see that's a berm. Man, I hauled 40+ bags of soil to make my little berm several years ago and then it settled the next year so I added several more. I am envious of your big equipment.
    Now that I'm 66 I am discovering my limitations.
    Thanks for keeping us apprised of your projects.

  18. when u say chalk board i feel a bit protest coz the fence will be gulf into the woods but u say u want to plant somekind of plants..nahh… it's going to dissapear anyway…and…i just hope the purpose of initial fence serve u well anyway

  19. My violas look more than spectacular in the spring, but there they sit, growing little by little, all winter long. One winter, they were buried under snow. No matter. When the snow melted, there they were, bouncing up to meet the sun, just as strong as they were before the snow. I put in more than 100 of them, buy them small, in flats of 36. Makes you feel good just to see them through the winter.

  20. As a business owner, you must be thrilled to begin this new phase of your nursery. You are wonderful to explain all the varieties of plants you carry, but as a transplanted New Yorker to Virginia, I have often wished I lived closer to Creekside Nursery, so I could buy some of the Proven Winners plants I just can’t find where I live. Hope this is just the beginning of a very successful venture. I know I will be ordering some beauties, if that is possible.

  21. When you start to dump soil to raise the level, be prepared to put in way more than you think you should. It simply disappears, sinks down, and settles. It’s almost the same thing as filling a hole in the road. They fill the hole and then raise it another half foot so the traffic will eventually push it down to level. And, that is what happens with dirt in the ground.

  22. I think the berm height is perfect and natural. Those massive berms you see in some gardens look contrived and ridiculous (and undoubtedly can cause water direction problems).

  23. Good morning Jenny and Jerry. I have a question, do you have a preference on garden hoses. I don’t want one that is black because of black snakes, I want to know what I’m picking up…lol.

  24. WOW! Love the area you have created. I think you will so enjoy having the delineation! Thank you for sharing your plans and journey with us! I'm in NC (Smokies) and I so wish there was a garden center like yours somewhere near me! I hope to make trip to Creekside next year.

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